#DualSpec No not giving up

They didn’t get rid of it. They expanded upon it. Did you actually play the game back then?

Since 2006, yup.

Do you think dual spec is gonna be added in TBCC?

I have never made any prediction about dual specs. One reason I don’t make any prediction about dual spec is because I made a prediction that multiboxing would never change and I was wrong. I’ve realized that after multiboxing changed, dungeon runs were limited to 30 a day, the chronoboon was added, arena start point was changed from 1500 to zero etc. all changes I predicted would never happen, that I don’t know the minds of the devs and don’t have any idea what they will do next. I’ve said this several times

You don’t lose anything by making a prediction, in fact it gives you a gauge to see how often you turn out right or wrong.

Seems you tend to be wrong a lot about the possibility of certain WoW features and what Blizzard ends up doing on them.

So you think this time, you’re right about dual spec?

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Did you predict they would ban input broadcasting software, add a chronoboon, limit dungeons to 30 a day, change the arena start point from 1500 to zero?

I think I’m right that it would be a positive change to the game that will benefit all players. Even the players that don’t buy it. I have no idea what the devs will do. Not only have I been wrong often in the past when they made changes I never thought possible but I’ve been wrong when I thought they would do something. As my server lost population and got smaller and smaller I thought that blizzard would do something. My whole guild transferred off and I stayed behind because I thought blizzard would do something. Far to late imo there was a blue post about it saying they realized there was a problem and they were looking into it and I thought at last they’re going to do something,

I was wrong again. Evidence suggests that I have no idea what the devs are going to do next.

If you told me P1 Classic Era players would absolutely adore TBC boosts down the road, I would express some doubt. 2019 P1 me was totally wrong.

By Phase 3 I had no doubts at all but still, there was a point where the mere thought seemed out of this world.

Dual specs dont feel even remotely possible at this point and its too late to think Im way off base here or wrong like I was before. Blizz could always do the unthinkable but it doesnt seem likely. Like even a little.


Most classic players were never hardcore #nochangers.

Right, like Ive repeatedly noted, Brack was totally 100% on point. Clearly, he has some other failings but he had yall pegged to a T.

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What that people won’t just accept whatever you shove down their throat and that they will express things they think can be better?

That’s a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing - not a real response to my post - just more angry troll blah blah - but since you’re giving me the opportunity - no one is actively preventing anyone from expressing ideas they think would benefit the game and its players.

If youre gonna post in a public domain built for the purpose of discussing the game with your peers and you want to offer some half baked and lame proposals built on personal entitlement masquerading as a legitimate plight and putting it somewhere it doesnt rightly belong regardless of what other people think might be better for the game then you should probably expect some feedback that isn’t in love with your personal vision of the future. Comes with the territory so grow a thicker skin? I dunno. Maybe just keep crying that river in the form of your second rate trolling by asking dumb questions.

Very simply, I could give a rats butt what dual spec players think theyre entitled to because they dont give a crap about anyone else - and it shows. Intent is everything and that is not something healthy to add for the reasons it would go in - rewarding illegitimately entitled angry troll carnival barking doesn’t set a good example. They had their day with boosts. Thats good enough imo - somechanges not allchanges amirte?

Now, as if to pretend I didnt just school your totally inept snark Brack was asked a question of ‘will you ever release servers of earlier versions of the game as they were back then?’

Brack infamously said no and you dont want that either. You think you do but you dont.

Think long and hard on that one buddy. When someone asks for dual specs in TBC - putting something in a game that wasn’t how it was back then then you really dont want to play TBC. You thought you did, but you didnt.

Brack was labeled a complete disgrace and now with enough time its revealed who the real disgrace here is where classic is concerned. We got like 1 good phase, the first one lol and its been all downhill ever since. The game is still good enough to have a following but thats the only thing thats good in these here parts.

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/shrug I said from the beginning that #nochanges would not recreate the original experience and turns out that was 100% correct. You had your #nochanges in vanilla classic and it failed to recreate the original experience, while also being a worse experience than it could have been for example imagine if the chronoboom had been in from the start.

Given that I have no problem asking for changes that will improve the experience I’m getting, like dual spec. Which is btw the same way blizzard feels about it in TBC Classic. They might differ on specific changes but they completely disagree with your #nochanges stance.
And maybe you are incapable of knowing for yourself what you do and do not want but most of us are capable.

By that standard millions of people who played BC when it was released really didn’t want to play BC since complaints about the vanilla respec system and requests for something like dual spec were as big a forum topic then as now.

That’s really like a preface to your post. It’s just an angry rant full of insults. No one cares.

That’s another thing neither vanilla or TBC were static games, they were continuously getting improvements and changes.

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Are you off your meds?

Vanilla classic literally had changes, seriously what are you smoking???


Patrick Dawson: “No changes” being our guiding principle for WoW Classic made it very easy to make decisions on it. We just went to the reference client and went to that. But one thing we learned as we went through the release of the content in Classic is that [no changes] may not always be in the best interest of the players.

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Millions? Hyperbole much? Only a tiny fraction of people come to the forums much less post on them regularly. Why dont you fill that big mouth of yours and prove millions of people actually hated TBC because you cant get dual specs in 2022.

Not too suprisingly your point is meaningless - the people that asked for more hand holding in 2008 is irrelevant. They didnt get dual specs and played it anyway to record subscription numbers. Guess they were wrong about needing it then too eh?. Thank goodness Blizz still had higher standards then but thats preActivision so yeah.

And why are you so convinced that I care about you not caring? You’re a witless wonder, Im not bothered. If I had any concerns about people on this forum and what they thought of me it would those posters I actually respected.

It was a guilding principle, not something that was forbidden. Eventually they made tons of changes. What they learned is classic is rampantly exploitable and they couldnt go forward with the same guiding priciple - hence the changes to things drums and pally seals - because rampant exploitation isnt in anyones best interest.

Patrick Dawson isnt saying we want players to develop TBC classic with all their ideas, good and bad, because they want stuff a certain way.


You attack players for asking for dual spec to be added solely because it wasn’t in original tbc.

Then you go on to defend the pally seal and drum changes because “rampant exploitation isn’t in anybody best interest.”

So what is the deciding factor for future changes? Authenticity to the original or things you deem to be “rampant exploitation”?

Battle chickens are still in the game and fall into the “rampant exploitation” category much more than drums or pally seals. Do you think they should be removed?

Blizz just removed a bunch of items from arenas that were in original tbc due to “rampant exploitation”. Did you support those changes?

If so, are you sure you actually want to play tbc? Maybe you thought you did but you actually just wanted an updated game with things you don’t like removed.

And if you were against all of these changes, why are you still playing this game? You wanted to play tbc, but this game has a bunch of things that weren’t in original tbc. If you cared this much about authenticity you wouldn’t be playing tbc classic, you would be on a private server that has no changes.

Just for some context this is the blue post, correct?

“Also, I wanted to point out that the argument about people respeccing for Arena teams makes the assumption that everyone is somehow running in one and thus needs multiple respecs. This is not true. Not everyone is respeccing between PvE and PvP and it’s not a majority of players that need to.”

Blizz acknowledged the respec for pvp issue and decided to ignore it because “well, not everybody that has to deal with it”.

Then about 1 year later the same person (ghostcrawler) puts out the blue post explaining that dual spec is being added and gave respeccing for arenas as the example of a problem it was being introduced to solve.

Can we just acknowledge that charging 100 gold to swap back and forth between pve and pvp content is not a good system and it discourages players from trying pvp?

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This is a completely legit stance /shrug You dont have to like my opposition but Im entitled to it.

Im not defending them Im explaining Blizz’s philosophy. Its somewhere between authenticity and keeping the game in a freakin playable state. Its not a free for all based on player bandwagons on the forums. Thats it.

It doesnt matter because I dont have the power to design and implement changes. Im just stating my preference same as you. We’re having this little brouhaha because some people are ridiculously oversensitive when it comes to their pet peeves.

Whatever the company decides is the right way to go all I can do is agree or disagree and how it relates to my future enjoyment of the game.

Were people actually abusing them to the detriment of other players? If so, yes. Too bad they just dont do away with the degenerates but again, its not my call.

I cant enjoy a solid TBC experience because everyone around me doesn’t want that. Youre proof of that. Im not one of them but Im still at their mercy. If no one wants to PvP theres nothing I can do but not pvp.

Frankly thats none of your business, off topic and totally irrelevant. Ive given my reasons for participating in these “debates”. There’s no reason whatsover for dual specs to be a thing in TBCC and will continue to shine a light on this fact so long as the allchanges crowd continues on their crusade to ruin TBC.


In a different expansion with a different design direction.

You still haven’t explained to me what’s currently wrong with PvP anyways.