It’s more like you’re seeing a lot more in certain statements than was actually intended, and it has led you to create a fantasy that literally anything is a “50/50” chance.
When in reality, all the observable evidence in terms of blizzard’s words and actions make it pretty clear.
Not what’s being discussed or contended here, king of the strawmans.
We’re not debating whether or not Blizzard will make changes. We’re debating whether or not dual spec is one of the changes they plan on making.
It’s getting to the point of hilarity that you actually believe there’s a high or even coin flip chance of that occurring. Every week that passes by and they say nothing and it’s not here, you look more and more foolish, and I’m absolutely here for it.
Obviously true given paid boosts, same faction bg’s, paladin seals, arena changes, etc.
Your primary argument for keeping dual spec out of tbc classic is “blizz promised us a faithful, authentic recreation”
Instead of arguing how dual spec would be bad for the game you seem to fall back to #nochanges which blizz has already shown they don’t agree with.
While I agree that it probably isn’t coming until wotlk, is it really foolish?
Did you call the people advocating for same faction bg’s for months before they were actually implemented foolish as well? If so aren’t you the one looking foolish when they added them back in despite it not being in original tbc.
No, because Blizzard had already demonstrated that it was their proposed solution by giving it a test run, which meant it was imminent unless the outcry was unhinged.
So calling those people foolish wouldn’t make a lot of sense because Blizzard had at that point clearly demonstrated the direction they were going, so for those of us against same faction queues, the only stance we could really take was that of “I disagree with this but there’s nothing I can do about it”.
Calling anyone who actually believes dual spec is likely foolish makes way more sense.
Also, the two concepts sit in different tiers for the impacts it has on TBC gameplay. Dual spec alters gameplay for everyone. Same faction queues simply improve it for one faction at the cost of ambiguous negative effects to alliance realm populations (some would argue pretty visible).
Either way I was against same faction, but at the end of the day it doesn’t truly impact the gameplay dynamics as universally as dual spec does.
Prior to the test run, people were flooding the forums with complaints about queue times. After several weeks of complaints they implemented the test run.
Using your rationale, these people were “foolish” for asking for a change to the game that was not in original tbc. Blizz didn’t respond to the complaints for several weeks and eventually did the same faction test.
I am sure you can see the similarities here with blizz adding same faction bg’s and the potential for them to add dual spec.
The main difference between the two is blizz addressed same faction bg’s and has not addressed dual spec. It’s most likely it’s not coming until wotlk but asking for it is just as “foolish” as asking for same faction bg’s and look how that turned out.
You can’t keep falling back on something that blizzard has already clearly shown they dont care about. If authenticity mattered, we wouldn’t have paid boosts, same faction bg’s, paladin seals for other factions, etc.
It’s like your complaining that somebody wants to add AC to a classic car that already has several other modern updates.
I’m falling back on Blizzards words for every aspect of this argument. Thats the only reason I confidently call him foolish. To believe dual spec is in for TBC is to, quite frankly ignore reality.
Remaining authentic is not a binary situation of either being no changes or you’re not authentic. Changes can be made while keeping things authentic.
What this means is that there are changes in and of themselves that can be respectful to TBCs design.
Blizzard has openly stated this expansion that authenticity is important to them and how things work being how they worked back then being important to them.
Blizzard is also on record openly rejecting dual spec for design implications when it comes to TBC.
This tells me quite simply that dual spec cannot and will not be in the cards. You will find no such strong adversarial rejection to any other change that they have made to TBC classic in history with well spelled out reasoning.
Put simply lack of dual spec is not a mistake or an accident it is a intended feature so trying to remove the lack of dual spec is essentially trying to remove anything else that would be considered essential to TBC such as one of the raids or a quest or a specific profession bonus.
Blizzard drew the line in the sand. You simply cannot have an authentic TBC if there is a dual spec.
Dual spec is a quality of life feature introduced to let pvp players swap between content more easily. It’s not that big of a deal. I think pvp participation is in the toilet and think dual spec would help improve it.
I’m not sure how anybody could argue that dual spec would be more of a change from the original tbc than same faction bg’s or paid character boosts.
Do you really feel like this current version of tbc is authentic to the original?
To me, as I said, authenticity is a spectrum, not an on/off switch.
If we’re asking me? I’d say TBC-C is still…75% authentic. We were never going to achieve full authenticity regardless because even if they nailed everything down to patch progression, we could never recreate the community and level of competence that was the average back then compared to now.
Even if I were to agree with you that dual spec isn’t any more special than other changes, I’d argue that at this point, the writing is on the wall with that particular feature.
You said yourself you don’t think we’re going to get it until WOTLK.
So why do you feel that way? Clearly something has put your 50/50 balance off keel in my favor.