#DualSpec No not giving up

Everyone who is perfectly fine with same faction BG’s but has a problem with dual spec, who often turn around and say dual spec is needed with the exact same reason people said same faction BG’s weren’t needed.

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Doesn’t this assume that dual spec changes role participation in favor of more tanks? That’s not exactly a given.

Does everyone who uses dual spec use it for tanking/healing and something else? Of course not.

Will some people use it for tanking/healing and something else? Most definitely, which is all anyone is claiming.

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Yeah, this is true, but this fact doesn’t mean that at any given moment there will be more people filling the tank role than there would be without dual spec.

What are you talking about? When I played Wrath I healed a couple of dungeons almost every night I played. In Vanilla, BC and BC classic I never healed a dungeon. And because of the difficulty of finding a group with as dps I did a lot fewer dungeons and much more solo play. I’m not the only one who did that.

I don’t think you’re considering the opposite case - where someone who plays healer or tank main uses dual spec to do something besides dungeons.

So you’ll find a group faster, but the average rogue will have just as much difficulty as they do now. That’s what I predict anyway, based on my observations from pre 3.1 to post when dual spec got added.


In that case either way they wouldn’t be doing a dungeon so it doesn’t impact it one way or the other.

That’s not necessarily true. Just imagine someone who currently logs on and tanks two dungeons instead tanks one and then does a round of dailies.

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If someone doesn’t want to tank they don’t want to tank, what’s happening now is they do 1 dungeon then log out or otherwise do something else.

Okay sure, some people log off. Some people don’t. The ones that log off don’t impact the role distribution, as you said earlier, so we can disregard those players for this discussion.

What about the ones that don’t log off? Are you trying to tell me that every player logs off instead of running a second dungeon?

I’m not entirely sure what you mean Change role perception? This is how I’ve always seen it do I think it’s going to be necessarily fake you necessarily fix the tank shortage.

No But it certainly will help it and it will help pvp participation as a whole On top of that what I would say is this at this point.

Just make it so people can’t respect in dungeons and raids Let them do it in the outside world but don’t let them do it in dungeons or raids.

Okay Solved Because the gilds that really wanna do that hardcore parsing probably aren’t gonna that people get summoned outside of the raid and run in just a respect.

Is there solved I personally don’t think it would be a big deal either way but still if that’s the biggest concern fine make it so you can’t respect in dungeons or raids.

Is in the outside world being able to respect on the fly is completely fine it doesn’t hurt anything.

Given the lack of tanks/healers, yep a lot of people are logging off or otherwise not tanking. And without dual spec people in DPS specs can’t readily replace them, which with dual spec would be an option.

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Where’s the substance for these ideas? How do you justify ignoring the information I’m presenting to you that is inconsistent with your biases?

This is based on what’s actually happening in game, not your idealized ideas about how people should play.

People don’t log in with the goal to play say 3hours a day, they log in as long as they are having fun. You seem to think that you can force people to tank by not letting people easily switch specs. Which simply fails on both sides of the equation. Tanks/healers won’t play past the point they’re having fun and not letting dps try to fill those roles doesn’t benefit anyone.

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I’m not seeing any logical connection between dual spec and a change in player behavior towards tanking. In other words, I don’t see how dual spec adds any kind of incentive for players to tank.

It adds an incentive to respec in general, not to respec to any specific role.

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it does. Because right now, I’m not paying 100g to tank a dungeon. If they make it cheaper I will.

I don’t think you’re understanding me, yet again.

Let’s backtrack:

You never addressed this question. What about the players that use dual spec to switch out of their tanking/healing spec?

You are +1 tank (allegedly)

You are balanced out, somewhere, by a -1.

That’s correct. if that -1 wants to do something other than tank/heal. They now can do it in proper spec.
Both +1 and -1 persons are happy :slight_smile:

I agree with you here - this is good for another reason. +1 and -1 are doing something fun they wouldn’t otherwise be doing, this is the benefit of dual spec.

But it won’t even help the tank shortage. That’s what I’m trying to convey.

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