#DualSpec No not giving up

I like to heal but am speccing my druid for dps. It’s not fun for me to quest or farm in a resto druid spec. Without dual spec I have to choose. I’m doing almost the same thing I did from Vanilla through Wrath. The only difference is I don’t have to try different things to know what is fun for me and what is not. In original Vanilla and BC I just dps with my druid. When dual spec was added I specced dps and resto, healed dungeons and quested and farmed with a dps spec. I’m doing the same thing this time around. I’m not the only potential healer or tank to make that choice.

Show me proof dual spec fixes the tank and healer shortage.

It didn’t fix it in wrath, it’s not fixed in retail and retail has a dozen other changes that tried to fix it.

The issue isn’t people being able to tank or heal, it’s people wanting to, or the lack there of. This creates a shortage for PUG tanks and healers because they don’t want to deal with bad players. And if you are regularly having issues getting a tank or healer to do a dungeon with you, when they did one with you before… well there may be a reason for that.

History proves that it didn’t fix.

I already post about it, but the dual-speccers chose to ignore it.

you two… No one here claims it fixes anything. You don’t seem to read?
The problem is not binary, it is ‘sovled’ or ‘not solved’. It helps

I already post about it, but the anti dual-speccers chose to ignore it.

I don’t see how dual spec even helps. Sure, some people will swap to their tank spec to run a dungeon, thereby increasing the number of tanks.

But won’t some tanks also use it to swap out and do something other than dungeons? Or swap to a DPS spec to group with their tank friend? Does that not reduce the number of tanks?


I mean, another thing that would help the tank and healer gear shortage is giving everyone BiS healer and tank gear, should we do that as well?

You’re trying to hide a change you want behind the “but think of the children” fallacy. You are appealing to emotions instead of using logic. Logic shows it did very little to fix the tank and healer shortage to the point blizzard has added over a dozen other changes to try and fix that issue, and there’s still a shortage after all those changes in retail.

From reworking how tanking and healing works to try to make it more fun, adaptive gear, making instances a joke except at the highest level of play, changing spec whenever you want, no room to really mess up talent choices, making tank threat near impossible for dps to over aggro, making all tanks good at aoe tanking, single target tanking, mobile tanking, exc., exc., exc. Still a shortage.

Dual spec isn’t a fix, it’s not even a bandaid, it’s your mom kissing your owee to make it all better. You just think it makes it better, in fact it can make it worse because of the germs that could spread from the contact with the mother, or the kid continuing to play after an injury because “mommy made it all better”.

Dual spec won’t help with the shortage to any meaningful degree. Tell your “I would tank but no dual spec” friends you will pay the 100g for their spec change, see how many still do it regularly past the first time trying it. People do not tank because they don’t want to tank. It’s not the lack of dual spec causing it.

Exactly. The majority of people in the numerous dual spec threads on this forum have said they want dual spec for PvP or farming outside of raid nights, but for some reason some people like to pretend that with dual spec tons of people would suddenly become these selfless beings that pay 1000 gold to purchase a feature solely to help random strangers with dungeons and heroics. Maybe there’s a handful of folks out there that would do that, but that number is infinitesimal compared to the total population of TBCC.

It’s so weird to me how people can downplay things like 100k+ raiders being affected by meta changes or how badly HvH battlegrounds were needed, but at the same time act like maybe 1% of players deciding to dedicate their 2nd spec to helping randos with tanking/healing dungeons is some sort of significant figure we can’t ignore.

That’s not what I’m saying at all. People will use dual spec to tank, not for the reasons you listed but just because it’s easier/faster to get started if you have a tank already.

Saying that this population is “infinitesimal” is even more ridiculous and unsubstantiated than the point you’re trying to respond to.

We all have alts.

dual spec is a sham.

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HvH battlegrounds were not needed, just like Dual Spec is not needed.
There both QOL changes, and adding one makes it hard to argue not adding the other, or any other plethora of qol changes.

They should have never opened the flood gates!

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It’s not though, the amount of players that will be affected positively from the tiny amount of new tanks/healers in the LFG pool is nothing compared to the 100k+ raiders that would affected by the meta changes adding dual spec brings in.

From what I’ve read on these forums the biggest reason most people want dual spec is to have more flexibility in the range of content they’re able to do at a moment’s notice, they want to be able to PvP or farm outside of raids without being burdened with having to farm 100g every time, and that’s understandable.

The people that admit they want dual spec purely for convenience are totally fine with me. I’ve said multiple times that I would be on board with a modified dual spec system that restricted use to major cities.

It’s just the people trying to pushing this BS narrative that the tank/healer shortage is the biggest reason dual spec should be implemented that irritate me. They act like there’s a significant amount of people out there that would LOVE to tank/heal but just can’t because the respec costs are too annoying to deal with, when that’s simply just not the case. To be honest it seems like the majority of people that are pushing for dual spec are tanks/healers wanting options to do things OUTSIDE of tanking/healing spec, not the other way around.

I wish more pro-dual spec people would be like Fasc or Kumasama and just come out and say that they want dual spec for the convenience rather than pretending that the tank/healer shortage is the reason dual spec is needed.

It’s funny that all the people saying this are alliance players. I’d love to get a perspective from a horde player that was actively PvPing before HvH was implemented.

I understand what you really mean is insignificant but the words you’re typing convey a different idea.

Aren’t you just arguing from fallacy? You know, the good old fallacy fallacy. To imply that he’s wrong and you’re right on the sole idea that he has a fallacy is and of itself, a fallacy.

QoL is being able to queue BG from anywhere without having to go to the capitals.

Same Faction Battleground was needed because one faction was waiting almost an hour in the queue for BG. If you play 4 hours, you barely play 3 games a day.

The only reason is: the opposite faction doesn’t like to queue for battlegrounds.

Blizzard fixed by allowing same faction battleground AND giving an incentive for alliance queuing.

I mean you’re not wrong, it’s easy to say a feature you don’t personally use it’s worth adding without considering another player’s perspective. That’s exactly what the people opposed to dual spec have been doing.

And they are typically extremely hypocritical when they claim their work arounds for dual spec are acceptable but the work arounds for BG queue times weren’t. Both are pure QoL changes.

Could you remind us what your workaround was for the BG queue problem? Wasn’t it to abandon your character?

Rerolling was 100% a viable solution. As was simply deal with the queue. That you consider either of those unacceptable but telling someone to farm gold for hours(or simply not play) is acceptable is what makes you a hypocrite.

I didn’t say any of that. I was just trying to remind myself and other readers who may have missed it that your workaround for the horde queue problem was for horde players to abandon their characters.

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If they valued queue times yes, keep in mind plenty of people opposed to dual spec have suggested exactly the same thing, reroll a different character. And you also are ignoring that simply dealing with the queue times was also a perfectly viable option, which is functionally no different than telling someone to farm gold.

Also keep in mind the horde queue times were player caused as a lot of them switched factions which is why their queue times spiked in the first place.