#DualSpec No not giving up

Really - I ask you to show me how I am wrong and for once actually make a good argument in favor of dual spec and you chose this?

I guess there is no good argument at all.


I did you think dual spec is ponies, not sure what else needs to be shown.

I respec often from heal to tank and back and it costs 100g, but 100g nowadays is literally 20min of farming. No point for dualspec. People who are poor choose to be poor sorry.


You’ve bragged over and over and over again about how great a hunter you are yet you joined a guild that benched you for a month straight. When you posted, " I left that guild after finding out they were using me for free dmt." my reading comprehension told me that the guild was just using you for free dmt. In exactly what way did I twist that into something you didn’t say?

What it looks like to me is you’re very bad at making friends so you try to buy them. You even go out and fish to give healers fish sticks. On the one hand you’re telling us that 100g for a respec is trivial because gold is so easy to get. I’ve never seen a stack of fish sticks on the Ah sell for 100g.

Good people don’t sell their friendship. I wouldn’t accept all those gifts. Bad people will pretend to be your friend and use you for as long as then can get away with it. In this case it worked for a month. I’ve been in lots of guilds over the years and no guild has ever treated me as poorly as you claim you were treated. Yet you have lots of friends and a great reputation on your server. You’re just bullshtting constantly.

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Friends and server reputation are 2 separate things.

It wast my friends that got me into that guild.

You are twisting words again, so I must wonder, do you work for the fake news media’s? Because you are acting a lot like them.

And I don’t buy them.

I help them and they help me.

Trading favors to help each other isn’t always about gold made, it’s about helping each other be successful.

You male friends when you actually show an interest in helping others achieve their goals, instead of just saying “do my thing, and no I won’t help you with yours”.

Healers and tanks like me because I will do content I don’t need to do, because I like helping people, I find it fun. Sure it benefits me as well, but that’s what’s called being part of a community instead of treating this game like skyrim.

I don’t know a single healer begging for gold or anything similar.

Welcome to World of Warcraft where people have alts and farm gold themselves.

I know plenty of warrior, druid and paladin players (both friends and guildies) who would happily tank a heroic here and there during the week (when they’re pvp spec) if it didn’t cost them 100g for the privilege.

I also see absolute tons of people complaining on these very forums they can’t find tanks for attunement runs, asking for attunements to be removed, or straight giving up and quitting.


Warrior and druid don’t need to re-spec to tank.

If they had dual spec, they would never use the 2nd spec for tanking.

Thats just a fallacy.

So have then go in their tank gear and have the dps watch their aggro and use a little more CC.

It’s very possible to tank a heroic with 0 talent points as long as you have proper gear. Just keep in mind you will need more CC and to respect mechanics more.

The spec isn’t needed. The gear and skill is what matters. Dps will have to slow down and use more CC, but it’s still very doable.

And dual spec won’t fix the tank shortage. We have retail and history of wow as clear evidence of that.

Made my day.

They want to min-max. Forget it.
They want all the juicy without any effort from their side.

Lmao he’s actually so cringe

My guild before that killed KT then fell apart. I joined that guild because my reputation on the realm and them knowing my guild had recently died got them to try to pick me up. This was during the holiday season, so after holidays were done, and their regulars were back I was benched.

But there’s no point explaining things to you as you act just like the fake news medias.

I never Said the fish sticks sell for 100g a stack, you’re still trying to misrepresent what I have said.

I have said you will make 100+g doing the fishing and cooking daily every day for a week.

You make about 15g a day in raw gold from them, ignoring fish and meat you can AH and any vendor items. 15×7=105g that’s the RAW gold you will average from doing the cooking and fishing daily 7 days a week.

And you twist what I say to claim I said selling a stack of golden fish sticks on the AH is 100g…

You are fake news.

I still can’t believe people are living in poverty in TBC.
With all consumables, repairs and enchants, also mounts on alts… I’m still on 5 digits.

Re-specing is a non-issue on TBC.

You are idiot, I am a warrior I will spec tank.

Just because that’s the case for you means it’s the case for everyone else hey

classic sociopathic inability to empathize or see things from anyone else’s point of view

I hover between 1.5k and 2k gold, if I go under 1.5k I’ll farm for an extra a hour or so, but I usually get buy with just doing the cooking and fishing dailies because I also stop for mining and farm clouds when I do them. The rest of my gold is made from helping people do things, like attuning/gearing mains/alts, helping people do group quests, exc.

Most of my non raiding time is spent helping people and I still profit in gold from it, by simply PLAYING the game.

It’s a hard concept for them to understand for some reason.

Classic ad hominem because has no arguments. God I hope you get a month suspension along with your alt above.

keep hoping, i’m sure that will make it so, you absolute cringelord

“along with my alt above” lmao imagine being that cooked