#DualSpec No not giving up

You’ve bragged over and over and over again about how great a hunter you are yet you joined a guild that benched you for a month straight. When you posted, " I left that guild after finding out they were using me for free dmt." my reading comprehension told me that the guild was just using you for free dmt. In exactly what way did I twist that into something you didn’t say?

What it looks like to me is you’re very bad at making friends so you try to buy them. You even go out and fish to give healers fish sticks. On the one hand you’re telling us that 100g for a respec is trivial because gold is so easy to get. I’ve never seen a stack of fish sticks on the Ah sell for 100g.

Good people don’t sell their friendship. I wouldn’t accept all those gifts. Bad people will pretend to be your friend and use you for as long as then can get away with it. In this case it worked for a month. I’ve been in lots of guilds over the years and no guild has ever treated me as poorly as you claim you were treated. Yet you have lots of friends and a great reputation on your server. You’re just bullshtting constantly.

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