Dual Weild shields plz? either literally or xmog

Can we get an option to dual wield shields or at least xmog it so it looks like we are dual wielding shields? this opens up a whole new opportunity of xmog. I doubt blizz will ever give us a class or spec to dual wield shields even though there are characters in WoW universe who can do this, would be so fun even as cosmetic

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… wut?

Why on Azeroth would you want that?

Oh, I know! Let’s have one on our back and one on our front too!




Google “mage knight shield golem”. Click on images.

That’s what I think of every time someone suggests this.


we even fight a boss in draenor who dual weilds shields, it would look awesome!!!

Brings new meaning to the word “tank”.


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Is it sunday already?

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But they are so tiny…


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Personally, I think it would look silly. But if that’s how you want to roll, I see no reason why you shouldn’t be allowed to.

Might as well make it possible to dual weild all off-hands

I wanna go into battle holding two things of roses. Make love not warcraft :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey. This isn’t so bad an idea.
I mean, Steve Rogers pulled off dual wielding shields in Infinity War. And he was awesome.

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Dual wield off-hand books. That’ll make people want a Scholar class or something.

Then again, I would go with that. I’d transmog to look like a Mormon and go around slapping people with my bibles. No offense to any Mormons out there.


FFXIV has two classes I beleive use books as thier weapons :smiley:


do you mean lorewalker like lorewalker cho a class that dual weild books to shoot out magic or to have different lore spirit creatures jump out of the pages to do an attack like tiger leaps out to do a leap attack then fades then a fire crane ect

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Ink based monster and magic!

EDIT: I now realize that is also an older Naruto character… lol

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Former Ast main here.

Or that. Don’t wanna copy the class names from another game, even though “Warrior” is pretty hard not to.

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Don’t stop there! The mouth can hold things too!


For some reason, I feel the urge to quote Michael Scott from The Office but I cannot quite put my finger on why…

and a few races can holda sword in the rear by holding the sword with the tail to fight

Tie it to my tail for epic whirlwinds… well at least it could get their ankles.