Dual Weild shields plz? either literally or xmog

Take it even further with a sextuple-wielder!


We need a picture of an old god with like 20+ tentacles all wielding giant weapons :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hold the Door Dark Souls 3 Build in WoW Plz.

h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp0iAQv_4V0


I was about to go bring this up; PLEASE THIS.


Iā€™m guessing you are talking about the Draenei guardian robots (some good, others corrupted). When Idle those things are buckled up like a pod but open up when itā€™s time to fight. Your ā€œshieldsā€ are simply the side portions of their armor. You could almost consider it the same as some of our more ridiculous armor sets from over the years that are huge and bulky.

and hearthstone cards

Your rotation is as follows:

Shield Slam to build resources
Shield Slam to build resources
Shield Slam to build resources
Shield Slam to build resources
Shield Slam to build resources
and, of course
Shield Slam to build resources.

Divine Toll (Kyrian ability 1min cd) as Protection throws up to 5 Avengerā€™s Shields, thereā€™s also a Conduit that has a chance for it to proc twice, thatā€™s up to 10 Shields bouncing around; DW shields ainā€™t gonna be enough.

Now, THATā€™S some Steve Rogers stuff.

how about dual wielding gnomes that are dual wielding?

Iā€™d dual-wield Part 1 and Part 2 of Airplane Flight Dynamics and Automatic Flight Controls by Jan Roskam. When you get hit by one of those ten-pound monsters, you stay hit.