Dual Talent Specialization for Next Patch on WoW Classic Era, PLEASE!

Really hope this comes with the next patch (1.14.4) for WoW Classic Era! Please! Need to switch between PvP and PvE spec and its kinda killing my ability to do so. Gold hard to come by and 100g everytime to switch back to PvE after doing some PvP causes a lot of people to only experience half the game.


no. go back to wrath :expressionless:


First things first - these pvp updates… :joy:

Just do 1 naxx gdkp bro. You’ll have enough gold to respec all year.


Just the facts.

This type of RPG-killing change is absolutely unwelcome in Classic WoW.


Why do people keep asking for changes when there’s two other versions of WoW available right now with all these changes already enhancing the game? Era is supposed to be era. The pvp changes, this idea, it’s all gonna end up awful just like every other change blizzard tries to make


Dual spec would make me super happy. Because I have zero interest in doing both pvp/pve w/o it.

Either that or let me clone my 60 once I have a 60. LMAO! I would leave one spec for PvP and the other for PvE. =)

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Does anyone else find it weird that a hunter is complaining about “Gold hard to come by”?
Read up on gold making in Classic, my man. It’s really not that hard.

This is one option unless you are wanting to limit your possible exposure to illicit rmt.
Go look at your AH and see what is selling.
I believe in you, OP. You can make bank … or at least enough to afford your respecs.

a ele/resto shaman that switched all the time in 2019 through 2021

ps you can raid in a pvp/hybrid spec just sayin

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If we’re gonna have any changes, I’d rather have Guild Banks.

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hard pass on dual spec for era/som. Original vanilla was actually designed around the hard limitation of your spec might not be perfect in all aspects of the game. But they also designed certain specs to help alleviate their pain point of the system (power infusion is a good example of this, because it was designed to give priests a reason to stay in their healer spec without giving them too many dps options to never leave thus giving spriest more of a reason).

And there are hybrid builds that take advantage of that urgency to not swap you spec around alot. Holy reck paladin being the most famous during progression content due to the need to be a healer in both pvp/pve but also the need to not be a paper weight when a rogue/war decides to run up to you lol.


I dont know… Both my favorite classes mage/hunter cant raid in a pvp spec or mix. You will do beyond sh1tty damage. I dont want to be dead weight in raids.

But, if the rest of the people dont give a damn. I would raid in pvp spec if allowed. =)

proof you support RMT.

PS. :expressionless:

Your team is meanies.

And Aivi you made me laugh. Thanks.

I mean… do you want to do max damage or 1/3rd? I dont blame any raid if they require you to be in pve spec. I’ve never had an issue farming to respec weekly. Its just annoying and gets old fast. I wouldn’t feel right raiding in MM (pvp spec) or Mage (frost pvp spec).

Does 1/3 of the damage still completely crumble the bosses like glass?

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Pretty sure if everyone was PvP spec you could still clear MC/BWL… AQ40 it starts to show that you actually need the damage. But, it wont be ideal. I wouldn’t expect 39 other people to allow me to kinda coast thru raids. =)

Why ask for a Wrath feature for Era? If your issue is that you do not like doing the activities that earn gold in Classic Era, then perhaps you could ask for better ways of farming gold, or…

In Wrath, though we have dual spec, it hardly prevents many classes from respeccing often. I don’t think I’ve ever gone a week without my cap being 50g, and that’s with dual spec.

Of course, 50g in Wrath may as well be 50 Silver in Classic.

Or gives us some currently for running bgs. While, on one hand that would be cool… I can see massive amount of bots running rampart.

On second thought, scratch that. lol

Edit: I guess cut the cost in half. That would be ok too.

the cost really isn’t too bad considering you can respec after an hour grinding and turning runecloth into bandages.

Difference being with dual spec you reach that gold cost gate and youll never have to farm for respecs again. At least with respecs you are forced to farm something in the world.

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