Dual Specialization

Nah I’m enjoying tbc for what it is. You have too much hyperbole in your diet. I can’t wait to hear you whine when you are stuck in noobie naxx for 4 months in wotlk.


Dual spec would be a good thing.

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I’m going to ignore your sarcasm just because it’s easy for you doesn’t mean it’s easy for everybody for one.

I can tell you that I look for looking for a group chat and a lot of times there’s just not a group to find oh and before you say anything I say that as a tank.

Is and farming and questing as a tank is a nightmare Is what I like to I don’t know maybe try to do some PVP for fun is deeper fun or is an alternate gearing path for certain items yeah.

But I’m also not gonna pay a 100 gold every single time to try something new either.

And here’s a thought I’m not gonna say it’s going to solve the tank in shortage but it certainly would help.

Is because I can only speak Is my server and what I experienced however from what I saw when dual speck was brought in originally in wath A lot of people Including myself.

Started to tank Is in a lie because I had my main speck and my off spek

You shouldn’t have to pay a 100 gold just to try something new And let’s talk about anybody that wants like to jump into PVP Same problem.

and heaven forbid healers and tanks can have a farming speck There is nothing wrong with any of these things.

I would rather them lower the cost of repsec and just wait for wotlk to implement dual spec.

I dunno about you but as a prot paladin I often kill 5-7 mobs at the same time. I dont really need to go ret to kill stuff.

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Again just because you are Doesn’t mean that’s the case for everyone.

Every single time I talked to someone whether I’m in a pug group I have not done a full 24 man pug ever for anything.

Heck I was in a ssc pug And the most we’ve got to that was 24.

Right now it feels like it’s that there are a certain amount of guilds that have a full roster and everybody else is so spread out

There is not enough people to fill all the rates which is why we’re seeing a lack of healers and tanks.

And that’s why I say we need dual spek

Let me ask you this Do you ever have to fight DPS for kills Because I do constantly I try and get those dailies done.

Yeah good luck Yeah just let me fight all the other for DPS fighting for the same mobs that I’m trying to kill that doesn’t work out very well.


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Farming as a prot warrior in smv is pretty fun and easy. Pop on my thunder fury and the engi shield and then go to the bt zone. Can agro about 12-14 npcs and aoe them down. If you don’t know how to play your spec and class that’s fine.


Wow I mean I’ll all give it to you I mean you can’t even reply to me you you have to try and twist my own words wow I mean I’ll give it to you real really is real real integrity there.

You can’t even argue me You’re just going to twist my words wow

It’s not twisting them at all, it’s the exact same thing. It just happens to apply to the point you’re trying to make.


Um yeah It’s not everybody has thunder fury I mean just saying In fact I’d say there’s a very large amount of people that do not have that.

No when you can’t even Argue my point You’re just going to ignore it And just copying paste what I said in different order that’s a twisting somebody’s words.

But ok

What is your point? That you want dual spec? Cool. I understand.

My point is it would be a good feature for the game it’s not just that I wanted Whenever I think about a change for the game I consider the good and the bad

If the change would over all be good then yeah I push for it If the cons outweigh the prose I don’t.

It would be a good feature for you. I understand that.

That doesn’t make it a good overall feature.


It would be a good feature for a lot of other people as well not just me.

I realize some people say they want it. People are asking for all sorts of things. People are even asking for Cross Realm Dungeon Finder.

I’m not saying, “I don’t want dual spec, so it’s a bad feature.” What I am saying is, just because you’re saying, “I want dual spec,” doesn’t mean it is a good feature.

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And just because you say it’s a bad feature doesn’t or doesn’t mean it is and I’m not asking for dungeon finder or cross realm.

Because I agree those would be bad However I don’t think that dual spec would be bad for the game.

There’s nothing wrong with giving players freedom As long as it’s reasonable that is reasonable.

I’m not saying it’s a bad feature. I literally just stated that:

Indeed, I agree will a lot of points made in this post here:

Which ultimately seems to point to the problem that people seem to want to solve with Dual Spec is not having enough gold.

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I would make an argument that Is what This problem does Dual spack Is prevent exactly really what.

What’s the absolute worst thing that it could cause honestly At the highest level the absolute worse thing.

It introduces a metta where people are respecting between trash Poles And bosses that is literally the absolute worst thing that could happen.

Here’s the thing though it’s only going to be the hardcore gilds Like maybe the top 20 at most the top 30% of guilds would want you to do.

And as far as the whole argument of making bosses easier Is that really even going to be an argument at this point I mean honestly How many bosses in the entirety of tbc Would people even require you to do that maybe a grand total of 7 ?Maybe And that’s a really really big maybe.

And realistically It doesn’t matter how many specs you have access to Chances are if you can’t kill a boss Without dual speck You can’t kill it with.