Dual Spec?

Hear me out… We have runes we can swap all the time, but it feels bad when you can’t active your tank talents unless you run to a city, and pay for it every time! We are so beyond this, this is essentially vanilla plus, so let’s act like it and bring on the duel spec!


It’s the little things that make Classic classic.


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Yes because SoD is very classic…its anything but


I view it the same way I view Chrono boon. If the meta involves you playing the game less to be optimal, then “No Changes” has to go. Thankfully I believe Aggrend has hinted dual spec is coming in phase 2 so it’s not going to be an issue long-term.

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If it happens it happens. I don’t think dual spec is particularly good, nor do I think it belongs in pre-Wrath. I also don’t think that pulling Retail changes into Classic is the best way forward.

Sure, there are some things that are quite fun about some of the skills we have now through runes. I haven’t tried all the classes, but Warbringer on warriors is fun… for now. It is apparent though that we are much stronger than regular characters, and that trivializes a lot of things. We’ll see how it goes going forward.

Anyway, rather than dual spec, I thought reducing respec fees would be a good way to go, and indeed that seems to already be what they have done, but some people still can’t be bothered.

It worries me that catering to this type of request (again) is something that would be considered, but if it’s what the devs decide, then it’s what the devs decide. They gave Wrath RDF and Account-Wide mounts/achievements, and people who asked for that I suppose are the same who are asking for dual spec in SoD.

They have added mounts that are available only in Ashenvale and a helm that reduces the chance to be critically hit only in WSG. They could add a talent spec that activates only in these places as well. Or, what I think might make sense as well is a PVE Instance Spec, and Open World spec, and a instanced PVP/Ashenvale spec that automatically activate within those places.

This would at least not change the meta, requiring certain classes to maintain both of their dual specs for trivializing raid content even further than it already is, and would also be a better solution than dual spec, particularly for the Classic landscape, though… going to a trainer and swapping specs when you want to swap specs is the ideal, imo.


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Not having this in the game keeps you wishing for it while playing…

Having this in the game makes folks quit because it’s too much of retail…

I’m not against it really but it will make some players upset.

You kidding? How would it make someone quit? It basically allows you to participate in more content. More tanks for PvE, more challenging PvP because people can switch to their PvP spec on non raid times.


Just saying the Classic folks hated that because it made people require them to have it…

Duel spec please!


The RolePlay in the MMORPG suggests that you are required to play you character role.

So the Warrior needs to go to the trainer to rearrange his battle style in order to be a tank (again).

It is the little things (and annoyances) that make this version of WoW good (not for everyone).

The Dungeon Crawler with lots of content to clear and as many QoL improvements as possible is available and is Retail. They are different games, don’t try to make them the same.

Respectfully, time and time again this has been demonstrated to be false. Players of classes capable of tanking end up having a PvP DPS and a PvE DPS spec, or an Open World / Solo PvE DPS spec and a Raid PvE DPS spec.

Or, they will create a tank spec but won’t get tanking gear and therefore will never tank.

People who want to tank, will tank, irrespective of DS.


I get what youre saying, but these are the same people that required full world buffs and consomes pre-boon lol.

They would be able to live with a net positive in the game.

None of this outdated garbage is true. Stop trying to kill SoD with unpopular ideas. You can also choose not to use a DS when its put in the game or you can go back to era.

This seems to be an ill-chosen phrase to describe an incredibly popular outdated version of a game.


Oh, you mean the new version that is popular because it has new content and new spells? Just think how popular it might be if they got rid of unneeded player friction

I think it’s quite interesting that SoD seems to have brought a lot of people from all over WoW together in one place.

People have all sorts of ideas, personalities and opinions, and ways of expressing them. They don’t always get along when they do, and I’m not sure that devs need to make a game that attempts to solve that, nor that that’s even a problem.

For sure some people who play SoD will have preferences from versions of WoW that are different from others, and it’s not like any of those are correct or incorrect. It’s OK to have different opinions and disagree on what’s better. If we’re ordering pizza and I want peperoni, but someone else wants to add mushrooms, I can say that I’d prefer it without mushrooms, but either way we’ll probably still enjoy the pizza (or we’ll just not eat together if it ends up being that big of a deal to either of us).

Dual spec would be amazing. As a rogue i want to try out a bunch of things, and while the cap of 1g for respecs is nice, it adds up quick when i want to try slow weapon dps, dagger dps, slow weapon pvp, dagger pvp, tank. Not to mention the variations of said builds. Dual spec would alleviate a lot of that.

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Play in the open world? No, I’m a tank/healer, I can’t do that.

Dual specs: Oh shoot, we need a tank/healer? Yeah I can do that.
Oh I’m not in group content? Time to switch to my dps spec to do things in the open world.

pls give dual spec, I want a pvp and pve spec

The cost of changing spec’s is just one of the main contributors to RMT gold sales. I believe there is a better way other than dual spec. Removing the cost all together but making a trainer still required would be one solution. They do want us to test out all of the runes and specs. Just imagine if they put a fee on rune swaps?

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