Except you don’t need two specced tanks for kara. One dedicated tank with a feral/fury/ret OT will be fine.
Seal of Blood / Vengeance is a faction balance issue, which was something that is in-line with TBC goals (hence shamans/paladins shared). Dual Spec has nothing to do with the goals of the xpac just as all the inconveniences in-line with what Classic worked for in its day.
They’re not going to add large over-conveniences such as Dual spec vs something smaller that will change a customer’s choice of ally or horde based on faction balance.
I hope they do #DualSpec in tbc Copy and pasted right from wrath of the lich king
You must not raid because consumes cost a fortune. And anything else you might want to buy.
I’d have to disagree. PVP and PVE are entirely different, people should at least be able to switch to that. For example, having better CC or burst might be better in PVP, but useless in raids. Pimping yourself out for arena would look totally different for PVE, and you’d have to make a new character just for PVP.
Not to mention specs and what is currently meta can change very dynamically.
Consumes in tbc are also a joke.
Literally just play the game and stop raidlogging for a week at a time
This would be a simple fix by only allowing you to change specs in a major city, which wouldnt affect the “raiding meta” because it would take too much time to go back to town and switch specs and come back all the time. there are options to make it work for everyone.
yes dual spec thx
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