Dual Spec solves Tank shortage

No it wont.
Stop trying to hide your cheapness behind altruism. With the amount of gold you can make in TBC respeccing a reasonable amount of times a week is affordable.

That’s a you problem.

also a you problem.


Then don’t.

You wouldn’t be able to afford dual spec anyways.

If your only argument for adding dual spec is you need it to save you gold for respeccing, good luck.

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This is just gobbledygook. The mental gymnastics here are amazing.

I mean, its a better argument than “Then people will tank pugs for me”.

He wants to force everyone to play within the limits he demands no matter that it makes the game less fun for them and for almost all players so he can be unique. I don’t find that a compelling argument. With dual spec He can still spec how he wants and play how he wants unique or not

It’s a fact that it was in development during TBC. The reasons for adding it manifested during TBC… which is why Blizzard began development of the feature and mentioned it as early as June, 2008.


Prot Warriors can do nearly as much DPS as Cat Druids by going into Fury gear when not tanking. They also provide a Sunder by doing so.

Well, we have aspects that are in the game now that weren’t in the original game. Cannot be changed.

So, why are you still playing? It’s not the same game. You obviously didn’t draw the line at boosts which you dislike. You didn’t draw the line at store-bought mounts which you dislike because you don’t think Blizzard should get money for them You didn’t draw the line at Paladin seals which you say are needed for balance.

So, seems like you’re against changes but you’re still playing the game or you’re against changes until the changes are made and then you agree with them.

Your entire position is just full of inconsistencies.

I halfway agree here. Not about mental gymnastics, but I feel like it is a weak reason.


Yeah, never seen that in action, and I think I’ll wait until I do before I come even close to believing it.

If you see the bears logs from my guild you’d believe it.

There has been dozens of reasons given for adding dual spec. If you could read you’d realize that. But unfortunately elementary schools fail some students.

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Just an example.

Bears =| Prot Warriors, and bears do not come close to outdpsing cats.

I was more commenting on how terrible our bear is in cat form. What is rip for 500 alex?

Well, have him hit me up sometime and I can teach him a lesson or two…lol

and they all boil down to laziness/inability to make gold. The fact you’re lacking epic flying and are still working on gear etc shows you fall into the lazy/inable section of the crowd.

At this point you can’t even afford dual spec if it was put in.

That’s a problem that was also acknowledged by Blizzard and was part of the reason why the implemented a dual spec. Which, by the way, also cost 1000g.

So, needless to day, this was something affecting a lot of players.

Nope, there’s a lot of players pushing for this.

People also pushed the “it’s your problem” when people complained about leveling and purchasing mounts. Now you can boost and buy a mount online.

Which contradicts your earlier statement which was

So, you neg on someone because they can’t afford things but simultaneously say that somehow it’s all affordable and that’s why it shouldn’t change?

He doesn’t know what maul is and doesn’t mangle on CD. Nobody can help him.

It’s such a good change for the game and every player that I would prioritize farming the gold for it over buying a flying mount.

I don’t think this is difficult to understand, nor is there logical inconsistency.

I want TBC in its purest form.

They changed things.

Those things don’t make me happy nor did I invite them to happen, or urge for them to happen, but I can reconcile with some of them for the good reasoning provided as to why they happened. This includes: Drums, Pallies, and unnerfed bosses.

There are other changes that I do not like at all such as: The mount, and the lvl 58 boosts.

These however do not affect my personal experience all that much, though I’d argue lvl 58 boosts affects everyone in a way.

Dual spec, however, would affect the game in a way that I would find difficult to reconcile with, so therefore, I will argue against its inclusion.

I don’t think I can make this clearer, so I hope this makes it easy to understand.

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