Dual Spec solves Tank shortage

Yeah, so why beg blizzard to make fire cold? Let the fire be hot. That’s why we’re all here. To experience hot fire.


It will do nothing of the sort.

The issue is people not wanting to tank in the first place. Not that they are incapable of it.

If being paid gold, being able to demand primal nethers, and being offered unwanted items (even more gold) is not enough of an incentive for a player to tank. They simple won’t do it even with Dual Spec.

All dual spec might help with is people wanting to pvp.


Hang on, I’d love to answer your question, but I’m kinda busy here killing this mob while using Seal of the Martyr with my Draenei Paladin.

Balance changes =| convenience changes. You think you’ve got it all figured out but your argument is just so flawed…


Hold up, a guy riding a Rift Stalker just passed by. That thing was pretty cool-looking!

At what point does it stop being TBC? There is a point, right?

Also, I wasn’t exactly tickled that Blizz added a store mount to TBC either.


It never was TBC. Was never going to be TBC.

Because #SomeChanges.

Hot take right there.

To me, this doesn’t work like an opened flood gate.

I will resist any and all changes under the same doctrine: it wasn’t there in TBC. If they add a thing that wasn’t, it doesn’t mean I’m all of the sudden for any and all further changes. The goalposts have been forcibly moved by Blizzard due to their liberal choices to make changes, sure, but it doesn’t mean all the sudden I’m OK with anything they continue to do beyond that.

If Blizzard never adds it, we can be certain that this inherent logic of “It wasn’t in TBC” was probably at the center of why. Sure, where Blizzard draws the line can be seen as, frankly, very ambiguous on this matter, but it’s still a valid argument all the same.

Personally, there are other arguments against dual spec that I think are valid too, but you’d first have to convince me that it even makes sense in the first place to add it at all before we get to those.

Them giving alliance paladins a seal that without it literally cripples them in DPS compared to horde paladins does not contextualize it for me. Nerfing drums which would cripple profession flexibility for the entirety of the expansion does not contextualize it for me.

Even adding a store mount to fleece players for $$$ does not contextualize adding dual spec to TBC for me.

Do better.


There was a tank shortage in WOTLK too after dual spec.

And Cataclysm after they made threat irrelevant.

And Pandaria after they added monks.

People don’t like tanking.

Dual spec would just give more gold to the people who are already tanking.

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Don’t you think this would at the very least help retain tanks if not encourage others to return to tanking?

Don’t you worry, they’re going to add this in WOTLK classic. It’s coming.

If they don’t stop the bleeding soon there may not be a wotlk classic


Well if that’s your primary cause for asking for dual spec, I surely doubt dual spec will save Blizzard from themselves at this point.

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No it wont.

It hasn’t solved the tank shortage in retail.

It won’t but it helps a bit. At worst, it does not add a single tank to PUG groups.

Unless you have some reasoning to suggest that dual spec reduces the number of tanks available to pugs.

Nothing can ‘solve’ the tank shortage for reasons well documented, just not enough people want to take on that role outside of raids.

Regardless of what incentives are on offer, there will never be enough tanks.

What can be done though, is to offer incentives to get as many out to tank for pugs as possible.

One extra pug tank a day is one better than zero.

While I agree that it won’t solve the tank shortage, I do think it would help. I’d be willing to tank on this guy if I had the option of dual spec.
But I think it would help even more with the number of healers. I had to quit trying to level my Resto shaman and pay for a respec to DPS for leveling. If I could dual spec him as Resto/Ele I’d jump into one or two dungeons a day with him.

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It won’t. Retail has dual spec and it has a tank shortage.

SPOILER: in wotlk we get dual spec and a new tank class and there will still be a tank shortage!

I’ll ask the same question I ask every time this comes up. If dual spec helps the tank shortage, why does retail have a tank shortage? Furthermore, why did Wrath STILL have a tank shortage even with dual spec?


Dual spec doesn’t exist in retail.