Dual spec PLEASE

As you probably are unaware of, gathering and questing as a healer sucks (Unless you’re a holy paly). Now, as healers are starting to spend 50g to change to a gathering spec(skinning, killing, questing). We are now starting to put this cost onto players.

Need heals while i’m gathering? I’m now gona charge players that 50g, so I stop eating the cost JUST to skin/rep grind. This is happening more and more, and soon players are going to hate playing since they now have to “pay healers”.

Buff our damage/mana regen for dps, Or put dual spec in.


Theres a build for pretty much every healing class that can make it so that you can do solo content and heal dungeons, though you would have to switch for raids.
You can go without it just fine


Another new and completely original thread about dual spec.


I am a resto druid. Got to 70 as resto. I have absolutely no problem doing anything as resto.

Dual spec does not belong. Do not add it. You CHOSE your spec. Learn to farm in it.


Nah, gona force other players to pay that cost.

Can the wrath babies please sit down… and uninstall?


Considering Wrath was PEAK of Wow, that’s a dumb statement.


Actually it is not, but okay.

. . . or, find some other folks to hang with (as the game was originally envisioned), and Bob’s your uncle.

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NO to dual spec


No Dual Spec, you could technically do it if you want to waste your skill points that way, but then you’re not living up to the full potential of either spec.

Honesty, if you’re trying to level as a Healer, you just need to find a good guild to quest and run dungeons with. My Shaman is like lvl 15 and Resto spec’d. He still does decent damage on his own, but is better in a party.

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Amazing people want to respell the word ‘classic’ into ‘retail’

The worst part is that half of the players crying for dual spec, will cry if its cost 1k.

The endless whine.


I’m aware that playing a game designed to be played with other people and being stuck playing solo, sucks.

Try grouping up with people and it will suck less.


Sucks to suck.

I’m a healer, I don’t like killing things on my own but its doable and I knew what I was getting into. With that said, props for using dual and not duel.


I 100% agree here. If you don’t min-max yourself into only one role, you can easily do things solo. It may not allow you to be the bestest healer ever, but you don’t actually need to be, just be adequate, and able to do things outside of dungeons and niche 2 person farming parties.


Takes less than an hour to farm 50g, stop complaining and wait until wrath.

As a dps* How about you try hards stop crying, and just accept dual spec is coming.
