Dual spec please

I sincerely hope bliz does not actually listen to the ones who oppose to duel spec, cos they are dumb


I mean I’m playing a classic game to try and replay an older game how it was intended to be played…

The people that are dumb are the ones who play a classic game and complain that it isn’t up to today’s “standards” of design.


I mean we’re nearing the release of t6 and they’ve yet to utter a word on the subject? Does it really seem like to you that this is a pressing matter for them?

SoM has lots of changes … except dual spec. People are spamming “lf tank” for hours just like they do in tbcc.

Respeccing everyday to coincide with the content you want to dabble in that day or moment is a personal choice not a game design problem.

There’s nothing stopping you from respeccing right now so there’s nothing broken to fix. Everyone’s issue here seems to be with the game asking you for something in exchange for the privilege - which amounts to a petty gripe - not a legitimate concern.


Couldn’t agree more!


TlDR version - why can’t I play the game in my own personal haphazard way without consequence and still have all the things people playing optimally have.

What the OP is really looking for is a single player game with a built in IM system.

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What you can’t understand even though it has been explained over and over again is that gold has no objective value in wow and time has no objective value. It’s all subjective. When you claim gold is easy to get you’re saying that your time has little value to you in relation to the gold obtained and that what others might find painfully boring is not very boring to you at all. You have so much free time and doing things that are tedious and boring with that time doesn’t bother you.

Other people have a different subjective analysis of that. For what ever reason they value their time more and don’t want to spend exorbitant amounts of it for an in game resource that is tedious and boring to obtain. For example I have 2 70’s and neither have an epic mount. It’s not worth the farming I’d have to do to move a little faster.

There is a problem with the game with a lack of players for content. With the subjective value of a person’s time and gold some people are making the choice to not do pvp and only pve, or not pve and only pvp or spec dps with a class that can tank or heal. In a game that mostly requires people to play with this lowers the quality of the game for everyone. Dual spec would change that dynamic and get more people both pve-ing and pvp-ing and playing different specs in more parts of the game. It would be good for everyone


Same small group arguing against dual spec while /lfg is full of boost ads and “LF2M tank + heals for X” and both pvp and pve suffer. What a joke. You’re not purists, you’re not logical, and you sure as hell don’t care if the game dies. I’d say based on your number of posts, you don’t actually play and just live on the forums. Those that see value in dual spec will most likely have to wait on Wrath, which of course will bring the added benefit of dumping these forum trolls that profess to stop playing when Wrath comes out, should it arrive. Then again, I’m sure they’re all fluff and will not only play Wrath, they’ll also take dual spec.


Pick any sophmoric gripe you’ve ever read on the wow forums in all of its existence and it all amounts to the same thing - The game is hoisting choices on me I dont want to make so I want what I already have access to except with easier access - aka the history of this franchise in a nutshell in case people forgot.

[Ransom note]
Hey Blizzard, give us what we demand or the game gets it! /Sarcasm

I’m not a purist, I just don’t like entitlement.

You’ve every right to request something but you are not entitled to get it. Your feature preference is not worth more than mine.

I simply don’t accept the view that a 50g transaction is “killing the game”.


After post after post claiming you’re entitled to the game as it was then, without dual spec. You’re not a purist. You’re a hypocrite.

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I am paying 50g, and I’m fine with that. But I would love it to be less. Like 20g max. IMO it’s like a pricing adjustment rather than a major overhaul. Less remorse when respec, not too cheap nor too expensive.

The design is outdated because modern games do not have this inconvenience to change role/build. Some games do, but they are designed for that. Some do not allow respec unless we start a new game, but the consequence of being locked to a spec isn’t too great.

The problem with WOW is that a spec is very limited in gameplay. Choosing a spec locks a player to a specific role in a specific setting, making us unavailable for other parts of the game. A spec is so different to another, and playing a hybrid one is not an option. Good luck getting invited to anything with a suboptimal spec unless we over-gear the content.

For a group activity, having a specialisation makes sense; but the game is inherently a fighting game, favouring dealing damage to the mobs. Most solo tasks are better done as a DPS spec. Instead of being a meaningful choice, it’s punishing to play a hybrid class. Questing, farming is so boring on my Disc priest, taking 23+ seconds to kill a mob.

The way to overcome this is to either farm so much gold till 50g is not a problem, or plan our activities around specs, like do raid on the weekend, farm on Monday, and PVP the rest. It is limiting playtime and social interactions. One hour before raid time can be had doing some arenas with my 2s partner. Instead of that, we had to wait in raid spec, jumping boxes in Shatt. There are times when a pop-up group looking for a dps but my warrior is in tank spec, and I’m not paying 100g to do that knowing I will tank Kara the next day. My warr needs the KHorium Scope schematic in Netherstorm, and I have to plan a suitable time to spec DPS and go farm it.

If you only raid log or play 1 spec with no PVP then it’s not a problem, but I do open world quests and farming, and PVP. It’s a hindrance to my experience. Make it 20g, please. I accept the classic version of the game, just make it less painful :frowning:


I would also love it to be less…unless I’m playing a classic game where the whole point is to experience the bad with the good.

In which case…I bite my lip and take it like a gamer because that’s what was intended.

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You’ve basically just stated that its not outdated design.
And im pretty sure ESO makes you pay to respec. unless that was changed. ESO is a modern game if i recall.
I’m really not convinced you know how to demonstrate why its outdated design.


Yes, that’s fair. I will make my warr tank, my priest heal and my other paladin DPS. less respec :slight_smile:

To the game as it is now - not was “then”. Reminder notice: TBCC does not currently ship with the dual spec feature.

You want it changed to suit your personal whims, not me. I accept the game as it is. You seem to have the idea of entitlement back to front.

If they add dual spec I’ll accept the game then too. May not like it but you won’t see me making hundreds of pathetic and spammy forum posts petitioning to get it changed.

No I’m not. You just can’t deal with people saying no to you getting everything your way - entitled. You think that you’re entitled to the change and then you mistakenly view people saying no to your demands as them being entitled … Pretty warped.


You seem to think making a request is an entitled thing to do. But you actually know the definition of the word. You’re just using it incorrectly to insult people. You act like you’re above it all but you’re just an insulting nasty little sh ttoo.


So, resentful and entitled. Comfy combo.

Yes I am above this shenanigans. Bye.

This doesn’t give you a moral high ground.

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