Dual spec please

Don’t knock it 'till you actually try it.

Recently I’ve been logging on more outside of raid to prep for T6, have to beef up the gold stock for consumes and what not, and in just a week and a half-ish going on two, I’ve managed around 1.5k gold and can definitely make 2k if a few of my things sell that I have on the AH.

That includes doing all the dailies, knowing how to monetize your professions, and just a wee bit of luck with drops or sales.

You need to face the facts: you are incredibly lazy and don’t want to have to do anything outside of raid other than what you want to do, you don’t want to actually have to support your playstyle (which seems to include wanting to change specs all the time without putting in the work to finance it).

This entire thread can be summarized to be a “you” problem.

Do you know how many respecs 1.5k gold can buy? Quite a few, friend.


The wording used was ABOUT 10 minutes. You seem to think the word about means under.

And if I get the ideal dailies I can do the bombing daily as well in about 10 minutes.
I already explained that I have it min maxed for doing them quickly by having the engineer teleporter to blade edge mountains, epic flying, riding crop, cooking quest food precooked, hearth stone in shatt, exc.

But the reason I started saying just the fishing and cooking daily is because you were saying you were a healer and wanted to not have to “take forever” killing things because you weren’t shadow spec. Fishing and cooking require very little combat. The bomb run daily can require a decent amount if combat (still not a lot, but possibly enough a healer won’t want to do them).

If you do chose to add the bomb daily in you get even more gold, but you wanted no combat as a healer based on how you complained about needing combat to farm gold.

As a side note just fishing is a decent gold farm (requires AH) if you want no combat. But you can’t be bothered to do that either can you?

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Everyone wants to write their own ideas into what the devs said. And it always seems that what the devs really meant is exactly what you want them to mean to support your views. You’ve decided their motivation was the money and that they tacitly condoned it when in fact they actively defended it and even endorsed it. With more posts then they defended the pre dual spec respec system. The red haired child believes all the posts defending and endorsing multiboxing are all lies and they really wanted to ban it but didn’t have the technology. /whatever

No, that it was the CM said. Not me.

I wish I could find it. I’ve quoted it a few times in the past but can’t be bothered to go through my entire post history to get it.

That’s literally what your quote of Tom Chilton states.

I was addressing your claim that:

I even included it in my post and I’m doing it again so there is no confusion.

You said that, not me.

Do you have any evidence that blizzard tacitly condoned multiboxing because it made them more money? Or are you projecting your beliefs onto them with out any evidence? Many seems to want to project their own ideas onto what the devs actually say. I don’t project my beliefs onto the original devs because I don’t care what they said. The modern devs have decided to ignore what the original devs said 15 years ago and do what they want and they’re the ones with the power to make the changes I’m requesting.

He already linked it for you from what YOU posted on here.

Admittedly yes, I am applying reasoning skills. But you’re really distorting my argument.

I stated that it’s disingenuous to compare MB to Dual Spec because we have evidence that the original devs wanted respeccing to be inconvenient as part of the game’s design philosophy.

You can’t demonstrate anywhere that MB was ever “integral” to the design of WoW, irrespective of how the original devs felt about it.

Asking for Dual Spec is more akin to asking for Death Knights and Pandaren in TBC.



The crux of why the multi-box argument is a gigantic red herring.

Nothing about multi-box made it an inherent necessity to the design of TBC, where as the absence of dual spec was part of the inherent design.


If he can demonstrate otherwise, I’ll gladly concede.

He will call you a liar and claim he already showed how multiboxing was part if the design.

I’m pretty sure the term “liar” and the phrase “no changes” have pretty much lost the entirety of all their meaning at this point in these threads lol.

My reasoning is different from yours. When their were 12 million subs multiboxers were a miniscule % of their sub income, yet they vigorously defended it and said it would never change. When the subs had dropped by about 2 thirds and multiboxing had increased it was a far larger % of their sub income yet that’s when they banned it. It’s the opposite of what one would expect if they were motivated by money. In addition most people claim blizzard after it was purchased by activision is much more focused on making money then the original blizzard was. If even slightly true your reasoning is flawed.

Dk’s and Pandaren do not exist in any form in BC. They are totally new elements. Dual spec doesn’t add anything new to BC. It simply makes it easier to do what you can already do in BC. It’s only a qol change.

I’m equally sure that most people reading these threads have been convinced that the red haired child is a liar and bs-er of monumental porprotions on the forum.

Just because you don’t like something he’s saying doesn’t mean he’s lying. This is such a childish perspective to take when disagreeing with a person.

Lmao, what is with you and this word, haha.

I’m sorry but you’re exaggerating, entirely lol.


I think if he wasn’t support the same position as you you would be calling him a liar too. You’ve been here since nearly the beginning of these discussions. Is this how you remember the sequence of events?

Or is this summary more accurate in your recollection?

You must have 5/5 deflection the way that you completely ignored the key statement in my post.


I’ve been in many dual spec threads, many of them claiming it was needed or wanted by, but not limited to “we” “the minority” “everyone”, exc. Wanting dual spec.

I’m not going through the 20+ dual spec threads I have been in in the last few months to pull up the exact thread that that conversation I was a part of happened in.

You call people liars because they don’t fit your agenda, heck you have called me a lair for stating what my experiences have been, as if YOU were the one who experienced them and knew what happened, all because it didnt fit the narrative you want for your agenda.


I did address it. Some people here want to use the original devs posts like the word of god when they agree with them and ignore or deny their posts when they don’t support their position. I told you I don’t care what the original devs said because the modern devs working on classic who have the power to make the changes I’m requesting have ignored what the devs who no longer work for blizzard said 15 years ago and made what ever changes they wanted.