Dual spec please

Yeah just another reason # dual speck

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No, you can’t.


Is someone stopping you from going to your class trainer and paying up to 50g to respec?

If the game isn’t letting you do that, you should report it as a bug.

And if dual spec was added who would be stopping you from not going to a trainer and getting it?


That wasn’t what was being talked about.

The person said they wanted dual spec so they could switch between healer and dps. They can already do that.

This thread is about adding dual spec, do try to keep up.


He was claiming without dual spec he couldn’t go back and forth between healing and dps spec.

Which isn’t true.

Do try to keep up.

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Dual spec is not in the game so no he cannot use it.

Do try to keep up.


Your reading comprehension needs work. Context clues!


His claim was being able to change from disc to shadow was not possible without dual spec. Yet you can do just that now, for the price of up to 50g per.

Do try to keep up.


This is just sad.

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Are you unable to change specs right now?

Have you talked to your class trainer?

Try to keep up.

Avoiding key elements is always going to lead to absurd conclusions, like you’re doing right now. When you can lay out everything successfully, you’ll see your error.

Do keep up.

You didn’t answer the question.

Just shows you are being intentionally dishonest to meet your agenda.

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Questions with faulty premises based on incomplete information are your problem, not mine.

You can do this, I promise. Most schools have taught how to utilize all available information by at least 6th grade, so I have faith in you.


The question was if you could change spec right now without dual spec. There is no faulty premise to that question. Only your refusal to answer it.

If you can’t give an honest answer on that, your agenda is very obvious.


No it wasn’t. Lying is bad.


Your reading comprehension needing work does not make me lying.

You put yourself into a conversation between me and another poster. And ignored what the actual content of the conversation was.

Try to keep up.


I haven’t ignored anything. You attempted to be coy with another poster:

From the very beginning you ignored the very title of the thread, and the kind of swapping that Hakuto was referencing.

Like I said, while you continue to be dishonest and ignore that context, everyone else will continue to treat you like a troll, since that’s what you’re doing.