Dual spec please

It could be mitigated more effectively through alternative solutions. Such as unlimited free respecs.

Some times people don’t participate in parts of the game because there are disincentives to doing so. Removing those disincentives can be all that is needed to get them to do those parts of the game.

So why not have unlimited free respecs? Then players can spec for PvP, Solo, AOE Farming, Group Content, at their leisure and dramatically increase participation.

You are still assuming everyone would treat dual spec like you did.

Which ignores everyone who has explained why they wouldn’t and that yes a lot of people in wrath actively used dual spec. As far as reward goes? Well the daily dungeons are a perfect example of that, someone with dual spec might see oh I can make some quick gold tanking/healing one of these, where as no dual spec they simply don’t because it won’t even cover the cost of switching specs.

Some people have suggested that. It’s been discussed and I don’t believe it would be more effective. But the people I discussed it with previously actually wanted unlimited free respecs. You don’t actually want that do you? I’m not interested in a theoretical discussion where you play devil’s advocate. I’m not here playing debate.

Wait what, you want unlimited free respecs?

If you have unlimited free respecs, and (theoretically) addons that can rearrange your bars/equipment/talents, why not just put in dual spec as a built in mechanism to the game?

You don’t consider unlimited free respecs a change to the game? Are you just playing devil’s advocate? Are you testing to see if people are reading your posts?

I don’t get it.

like buy more gold.

Ah. You don’t “believe”. That is to say, “it’s inconvenient to my argument so I won’t acknowledge it”.

It makes zero sense that you think removing the restriction altogether would not increase participation, since there are more things to do in-game than require only two specs.

Evidently, you’re not here to debate at all.

Im assuming I’m not atypical.

It is subjective. I don’t agree with you because your claims don’t add up to me. If you want me to agree with you then I need to find your claims convincing.

Now you’ve already claimed you’re not trying to convince me - fine you do you and I’ll do me.

It has been stated - several times now - that Dual Spec is about increasing participation.

Unlimited respecs would achieve this more effectively than dual spec, noting there are more activities in WoW than two specs will facilitate.

So why not have unlimited respecs? It is a more effective solution to the problem.

I’m not trying to convince you that you are playing wrong, I don’t particularly care what your playstyle is and how you would or would not use dual spec.

All the argument is is that plenty of people would use dual spec, and there’s little reason to think that’s not the case. IS that enough to fix the tank/healer shortage probably not, does it increase the amount of people tanking/healing well definitely yes.

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I’m stunned, I don’t even know what to say. As someone with plenty of gold, the issue for me that stops me from respeccing is the hassle of setting up my UI.

Why don’t you care about me, but you do care about the people who won’t make a farming alt?

And plenty MORE people would use unlimited free respecs, thus addressing the use case more effectively.

Why? Why is everyone so scared to answer this question? If the bottom line is about increasing participation, what logical reason is there to restrict gameplay by keeping it at dual spec?

I do love how these clowns demand I give them quotes from devs currently working on tbcc when we know they won’t accept a “no” from them even if they give it.

They had the same issue back in 2007 where they gave a clear NO, and people still contested it.


“I gave a clear and direct answer on this based on recent discussions. You can believe that as you wish”

Even if we had the quote for dual spec in tbcc, with the devs saying no, they wouldn’t accept it.

I have discussed, many times. Frosto was a person that used to post here who was very much in favor of it. I just don’t want to have a fake discussion with someone who is just playing devil’s advocate. This is not some official debate with judges and scoring where we argue points to win. I don’t like you, I don’t care about you, you’re a complete stranger so there is no reward for “winning” in a debate with you.

It’s not a “fake discussion”.

You don’t want to answer it because you know you don’t want unlimited respecs, and you’ll be forced to amend your argument to “Make the game more accessible within reason.”

And the moment you introduce that within reason caveat, you’ll be forced to concede that within reason is entirely subjective.

And once you concede that it is subjective, you’ll lose any claim to suggest your argument has any objective authority beyond just being your opinion.

Which - for the 30th time - IS FINE.

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I personally wouldn’t care, sure open up specs just like banks tabs, the cost keeps going up for each one you get.

The reason people use dual spec as the goal is because that’s the mechanic we had, so it wouldn’t be anything new.

And that’s why I’ve got no beef with you, man. You’re nothing if not consistent and I respect that.

like what, and how do you know they’re more effective

Unlimited free respecs.

Because there are more activities in-game than two specs will permit (Solo, PvP, Group Content). Therefore, more specs = more engagement.

Or so the argument goes for Dual Spec, anyway.