Dual spec please

See, the business case has changed now. It is to increase participation without impacting the game. Which introduces a subjective level of how much impact/risk is acceptable to achieve that change. Which cannot be strictly right or wrong because it’s opinion at the end of the day.

Which is fine. It’s not a political party, we’re a bunch of random gamers with different preferences. This is not ideological.


Yes, we don’t all agree on every possible change that could be added to the game because many of us consider each change individually. But we consistently agree on most of the reasons we think dual spec would be good for the game.

What are you talking about, people have explained in great deal why being able to switch specs freely would directly lead to them both putting more play time in and doing more kinds of content.

Just because YOU wouldn’t doesn’t mean that others would behave the same as you do.

Your arguments are so bad lol.

Unless they’re going to remove raid consumables altogether (and thus the skill/gameplay involved with their use, such as keeping track of your pot cooldown, using it during the correct raid buff window etc, removal of which is obviously a Bad Thing), or make them free (thus removing professions, nodes, gathering and crafting - all of which people enjoy, and which I respect that they enjoy), then quite clearly that aspect of the game isn’t going anywhere, nor should it.

As long as consumables are gathering and crafting based, players will need an incentive to do the gathering and crafting, which is gold. That’s fine.

I’m not over the moon about farming either the gold or the mats for consumes, but it is 100% an integral part of the game.

Stop trying to twist my words as well thanks.

So it sounds like it is not disingenuous to (over)simplify your argument to “majority rule”?

Dual spec is pretty simple so yes it’s very easy to simplify why people want it.

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I think it is, I don’t think it takes a majority to encourage the developers to consider good ideas.

Story hasn’t changed.

I was asked about my play time in December. During the holiday season. I gave it for that time and explained I don’t consider long afk crafting sessions as part of that play time. Holiday season is over. I now play more again, but for when I was asked, the the answer was accurate for that time, because I was playing less during the holiday season.

You can look at the dates of the conversation if you want proof of this.

For the weeks of the holiday season I was playing a lot less. I’m not denying that. But notice I said right now

That’s because I was giving my current play times based on how much I was playing at that time. Which was around the middle of December.

Tell me, do you consider the middle of December part of the holiday season? Do you play less at that time because you are busy with everything the holiday season brings with it?

My story hasn’t changed. People keep taking it out of context to try and get “gotcha” moments.

They’re not demonstrably “good”. That is subjective.

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I don’t think this argument, which is one of many, can be simplified to “majority rule.”

Then what is your argument? You seem to be avoiding that question.

Ideas that benefit players with no tangible downsides are typically good ones.


Allied Races have no tangible downsides, assuming there are no stat/racial changes. Do you agree?

I, err, think it’s another case of that missing reading comprehension again. Maybe Feywaif just assumed you’d understand what his abbreviated form of “not a lot of difference between those who favor adding it” meant.

I can pretty safely say he meant “there is not a lot of variation among the proponents of dual spec in terms of both the reasons we think it (dual spec) should be added, or how we think it (dual spec) should be implemented”.

He’s not saying we all have the same hair color and eye color or whatnot, lmao.


Can you actually read?

I’m sorry but I’m out of the loop, what do you mean by allied races?

fwiw i literally gave you a user story format about the “business case” for dual spec, which you seem to have not noticed (possibly because of RHC’s weird derailment)

Okay, if your argument is


Aesthetics are important, but sure if there was a toggle for people who don’t want to see them why not.