Dual Spec.. please?

Can’t wait for dual spec when it gets added for phase 2.

Apart from the balance issues the longevity of the expansion is jeopardised by it - no need for alts. So much of classic was driven buy alts, pvp alts, healer alts, tank alts etc. If you can dual spec why bother. Log on for raid then log onto some other game.

Unless you want Bliz to add in new raid and pvp content as well there’s going to be very little to do for the next year and a half.

Dual spec is essentially a way to make changing specs involve less game time activity. That’s all well and good - if there’s enough content to cover it.

In all honesty, I doubt we’re going to get Phase 2 in light of all the drama that Blizzard is going through right now…

Probably not, but doesn’t mean there isn’t Phase 3 and 4. We just gotta still show our support.

I show my support by paying for the damn game.

In the dozens of threads and thousands of posts the arguments against dual spec boil down to

  1. It didn’t come out in TBC so it shouldn’t come out in TBC. - This isn’t actually an argument because the argument for it already references non-TBC changes.

  2. It will ruin the game. - No one is able to say how it will ruin the game but I see this so often so it must be true.

  3. Go back to retail. - said with such smugness but I don’t think people realize how stupid they sound when they say this like it is some how a “gotcha” moment.

  4. We don’t need it. - entirely a personal situation, heavily dependent on server/faction population and health. Sure someone on a perfectly balanced high-pop server might not see the need for it, but that’s an incredibly self-centered point of view and wrong.

I don’t think dual spec is the answer, I also don’t think it is a problem.

I’d love to see anyone actually articulate an argument against it that isn’t heavily biased with their own personal experience combined with huge sweeping assumptions about the entire player base.

Dual Spec came with a Gold cost genius and I want to play the parts of the game I enjoy.

You do you. It must be nice to be so delusional to think that we’re still living in the same world as when TBC came out.

what’s funny is I guarantee 90% of the people begging for dual spec expect to get it for free, and if it were ever implemented, they’ll be here whining about the gold cost lol.

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Yes, please give dual specs to all the scrubs who are obviously not capable of performing or coping.


The onus should be on those proposing the change to demonstrate why it will be safe and beneficial without simply appealing to their own personal experience combined with huge sweeping assumptions about the entire player base. Eg, “everyone wants Dual spec”.

To those opposing the change it poses too much of a risk to changing the game in ways people ultimately won’t like and deviates too far from ‘the spirit’ of TBC. Those proposing change need to demonstrate why it won’t.

They also need to demonstrate why the change is needed and why a less drastic measure won’t suffice - such as lowering respec costs.

As others have already said, Blizzard wanted to introduce it in TBC originally, but they chose not to. Why is that? I’ve proposed that the reason is due to the class changes required to balance it being easier to introduce with sweeping class changes in the lead up to a new expansion, WOTLK. So far proponents of the change have simply suggested it was technically too challenging to code at the time… Something I highly doubt.


This isn’t an argument you’re just making incredibly vague statements and sweeping assumptions.

  • improved class flexibility
  • improved raid flexibility
  • increased in players willing/capable of filling under-represented roles,ex: tanks
  • decrease in player frustration over switching between multiple specs when the cost is 100% negligible in TBC. It is not an effective gold sink at 50g price point in TBC like it was in Classic and the only prohibitive thing is the logistics of travelling to a trainer.

These are tangible things that improve the game play.

WTF is this? You ask 1M players you’ll get 1M different answers. The spirit of TBC is what each individual makes it.

I need you to honestly explain to me how a quality of life feature that alters no other aspect of gameplay can honestly make you enjoy the game less?

We’re talking about adding an option to the game. Players who don’t want to use it are 100% entire free not to use that option so again, how exactly would it cause any negative impact to your enjoyment of the game?

How does some player being able to switch between specs cause you to lose enjoyment?

How does having someone go to the class trainer to respec cause you to gain enjoyment?

Seeing others suffer while they benefit is their enjoyment of the game I guess.

For the people that want dual spec to “solve the tank shortage” it won’t, a small amount sure but it will not help when most dps players will just make a pvp spec, but I definitely support a dual spec for a variation of like PvP spec and PvE spec, but blizzard will never do anything as it requires work and blizzard won’t allocate more resources to classic.

You know I honestly believed this statement when they released TBC with no AvA/HvH, LFG and Guild Bank, but that turned out to be a false news.

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we need dual spec cuz respeccing is so hard!!

heh, respeccing is so easy it’s negligible so why do you care about dual spec

please pick 1 and stick with it, sweetums


most people can agree that adding in a massive new feature that was not present in TBC is not ‘the spirit’ of TBC.

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still doesnt realize guild banks and LFG tool were in original TBC despite being told countless times…

classic aloe vera

Explain how please.

It’s easy just to make statements but explain exactly how because it doesn’t violate the spirit of TBC as I see it.

I see, you really can’t read and the only thing that’s pumping in your brain cell is just few words whenever “LFG” and “Guild Bank” triggers in your head.

How many times were you hit on the head with the bat for 20 years since TBC?

You actually quoted me so I’m not sure how you took what I said so far out of context.

Not sure how you stretched “Gold cost is negligible” to whatever gibberish you posted.

Reading is hard.