Dual Spec.. please?

It doesn’t though. It effects all guilds doing raid content and pugs too.

This is where I think I got misunderstood before. I wasn’t trying to say how leet I was but offering an example of a casual guild that is still struggling on some content. In TBC raid comp matters - to all raid participants until you out gear the tier.

Sweaty guilds are pretty relaxed about raid comp in Kara now, because they can faceroll through it. Edit: They’re already bumping their alts through. It’s actually casuals (like me) that still need to pay attention to it.

Dual spec would really help there - we could go in and not care at all about raid comp and those road block bosses would disappear for us if we could dual spec.

But here’s the thing - I don’t want the developer to disappear our raid content roadblocks with the waving of a magic wand. It’s not in the spirit of TBC. It’s not actually rewarding or fun.

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All we have is our personal experience. I found it easier to get groups on my dps alts when it was added in wrath as did most of my friends. If you didn’t you didn’t group much anyway or you never played the original game. I don’t even know if you’re playing classic since you lie so often and post on a level 10 retail character.

So you don’t care about the balance of the game, got it. So you are definatly not someone to listen to about changes to be made because you only care about your personal agenda. That’s for saying it in your own words as it makes it easier for other people to see.

Also you have no actual argument so you result to personal attacks. I’ve shown my tbc classic toon before, I use this forum alt to keep all notifications in one spot instead of changing characters to post on. It makes it cleaner and easier to identify things. For example if I jumped onto my tbc classic hunter it would have maybe a dozen posts, then you wouldn’t be able to go back and read my old posts to see my views on things and my experiences as others have done to try and discredit my argument.

If I were to constantly change characters it would be an attempt to hide who I was, which I don’t do. Using the same forum character let’s people go back and see what I have said. It’s a sign of me not trying to hide past discussions.

I raided in wrath and my guild leader didn’t force me to have 2 raid specs. Casual guilds mostly let players play the class and spec they wanted and made due. For us it was all about fun, not about server firsts or speed runs. The only time I saw anyone change specs in a dungeon run is if the tank left and we couldn’t find another. A dps warrior or pally might switch to tank so we could finish the run. And that’s a good thing imo

Because the talents and classes had more baseline abilities. Wrath had very different class and spec balances and less niches - this is what I’ve been trying to point out. You had it in Wrath but Wrath is very different to TBC and they made a lot of design changes to accommodate the “bring the player not the class” model which included dual spec. It’s the basis of WoTLK.

Wrath was purpose built to be more accessible to casual teams and players with less niches.

Sure - I haven’t quoted it but seriously - it’s common knowledge, look it up. Anyone active in the community then will clearly remember all this.

At base you can assume that TBC is not WoTLK. So, logically it does not necessarily follow that if it worked for Wrath it will work for TBC, yes?

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Learn to read. I don’t care what the min/maxxers do. The min/maxxers aren’t about the balance of the game. They’re a fringe group of try hards. I don’t care about server firsts or trying to beat some speed run. I didn’t care about the world buff meta in classic since my guild didn’t play the game that way. I didn’t need the drum nerf because casual guilds weren’t going to force their raiders to all take LW. If a few want to play that way it’s up to them but most players don’t and they game shouldn’t be “balanced” around the fringe group of min/maxxers

Nor does it necessarily follow that because it wasn’t in BC it wouldn’t work there. I can’t think of a single reason why players would switch specs in the middle of a dungeon run in BC. Unless they wanted to min/max and speed run it. And I don’t care what that fringe group of players do

This is the top tier truth, a really skilled dps class who really knows and uses cc WILL MAKE TANK / HEALER FRIENDS. because they don’t like to die. Because farming sucks, dying is expensive.

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Not sure about in a dungeon. But here’s a raid context example:

  • You’re guild is casual so you only have 1hour and a half to raid on a given night. You want to clear to Nightbane. So, You take a group with 2 healers and 1 Tank with 7 pumpers to blast through quickly.

  • You get to Netherspite and you need 2 Tanks. One of your DPS Warriors specs into Prot.

  • You get to Nightbane and you need 3 Healers, so, your Enhance Shammy respecs into Resto.

Boom, the previously unachievable becomes achievable for this casual raid team. How? Are they more skilled? No. More geared? Uh ah nope. Oh wait, The developers used a magic wand and gave the team Dual spec.

I get it - we want more icescream. So, we stamp our feet and chuck a tanty until we get it. But this iceacream’s going to make us sick and not want our dinner. Dual spec in a TBC context spoils the game and will upset the balance.

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Do people win the lottery?

It’s statistically not going to happen, yet it does happen.

You might not believe me, but I know what has happened to me, just because something is unlikely doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Not until WotLK baby!


Blizzard has the history of it showing it didn’t work, it’s not a personal experience thing.

They added dual spec, didn’t fix the tank shortage, they added lfd, didn’t fix it, added bonus rewards for tanks to que, didn’t fix it, added gear that changes with your spec, didn’t fix it, make tanking easier and more fun, didn’t fix it, exc.

Blizzard made over a dozen changes that should have helped the tank shortage, and there is still a shortage in retail. This isnt personal experience, this is FACT.

No, you don’t understand. This isn’t comparable to someone winning the lottery.

1 in 7.3 quadrillion. Do you fathom this number? You did not kill Princess 127 times before having the ring drop. You didn’t, it’s a fact that you didn’t.

You don’t have some mythical, universe defying bad luck. Google pathological lying, or compulsive lying.

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If that’s the case and I don’t agree it’s necessarily so I see it as a good thing. If dual spec let’s casual guilds complete content they might not be able to complete without it it’s a good thing. Casual guilds can find it difficult to find the most optimal classes for raids.

you can make 50g in 10 minutes.

I don’t want the devs help, I’d like to tackle the content as it is - even if that means failure. There’s plenty of iterations of wow that makes life easier for us “filthy casuals”. TBC isn’t one of them and nor should it be.

Wait a year or two and you can have all the icecream you want - with the “bring the player not the class” version of the game.


Show me the data that proves adding dual spec didn’t increase the number of tanks and healers. Show me the data that shows the wait times for a group didn’t decrease. You’re just too ignorant to know that no such data exists and keep pretending your personal opinion is a fact.

The content isn’t nerfed. Some guilds do it with a optimized group other guilds with less optimized groups. Just as some guilds did classic raids with full world buffs and others only a few of them. But it’s always the same content. Your personal preference is no more valid than other’s personal preference. If dual spec was added you could join a guild that doesn’t require members to have 2 raid specs. Just as I never did anything special to get world buffs and I never used a chronoboon. If there was no drum nerf I still wouldn’t have changed my prof to LW. If my guild leader demanded it I’d have quit the guild.

And yet here you are petitioning Blizzard to change the game to suit you’re own personal preference.

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That’s what this forum is for. In fact there is a video posted here several times with the devs saying they are making changes to BC, are considering making more, and asking for feedback as to what changes would improve the game. I’m doing exactly what the devs requested in the place designed and maintained by blizzard for that very purpose. If a sufficient number of players agree blizzard may consider it and add it.