Dual Spec.. please?

You think I will pander to your whims, you’re too funny.

And here is what I don’t get. How can you say that and at the same time you are saying, it’s not a problem to play with an unperfect build, raid guilds will pick you anyways and so on.

If dual spec make hybrid builds obsolete, they would also be obsolete without dual spec. Why would they pick someone playing a hybrid build if they can have someone who is playing the perfect build or if it is impossible to kill the boss without the perfect builds?!

It doesn’t make any sense. Either you have that problem also without dual spec or you don’t have that problem, neither there is dual spec or not!

Anyways, I’m wondering if that isn’t the top of egoism. You don’t want dual spec because you fear that raids won’t take you with them in the future with your imperfect build and force you to play a build you don’t want to play.

So you don’t want it, even when the majority of all players would love to have it for several good reasons! I get that it is against your wishes, but I don’t see how it could harm the game this way…

Bet you didn’t do that in TBC, just as you won’t in TBCC. See ya in Wrath Classic!


Just a reminder that pro dual spec people just want to spend less money so they can be optimized for every form of content they choose to participate in.

Because there is an advantage to a hybrid build without dual-spec as it can perform two roles which is an asset to a raid. Being in a hybrid build when you can easily swap between two specialized roles is just a detriment.

Yes you don’t have to be perfectly optimized, however in a team environment people still want you to be optimized to most benefit the team. If we have dual-spec being a hybrid no longer is beneficial.


And this advantages does either still exists with dual spec, or it isn’t a real advantage to start with… Dual spec wouldn’t change that! Dual spec doesn’t mean that you can switch all talents in favor for all several bosses…

Exactly and that for a reason! But that also means that people would love to see you in the perfect build right now too. Dual spec wouldn’t change that - you would only lose the argument to refuse to play with the perfect build!

But thanks, you destroyed one contra argument for dual spec by your own. People claimed you don’t need to have the perfect build to be successful, which they took as a reason that there is no need for dual spec. Instead it seems, the need is there and they just don’t want to see it. :wink:

Think of it this way. Atm you have a choice of bringing a spoon (DPS), Fork (Healer), or Spork (Hybrid). You can only pick 1 of the 3. In some situations the spoon would be better in other situations the fork would be better. However the spork is able to perform the role of the spoon and fork although not as well as either can at their specialized role. So it may be more beneficial to use the spork as you may need the functionality of both

However when we add in dual-spec it’s like being allowed to have both a spoon and a fork. In this instance the spork is now completely useless and not worthwhile as a choice.

Beside that you have proven now, that you don’t want it for selfish reasons (because you want to play the hybrid spec instead of being forced to play other builds) and not because, as you and many other claimed, it would be bad for the game, you can have that advantage right now as well. You could port to a major city and respec if that is what’s needed.

Dual spec wouldn’t change that. I mean, if you port to a major city to respec completely, or if you port to a major city and pick one build out of two preset builds, I don’t see a difference.

And when hybrid build really is an advantage right now as you claim, the disadvantage can’t be that huge with dual spec, right? Otherwise it wouldn’t be an advantage to start with…

Porting out, paying 50g, relearning skills, resetting your bars, and getting summoned back is a big deterrence to people doing this. However clicking a button and watching a short cast bar (how it was in wrath) is not a deterrence and would be widely used.


Okay, which is exactly the reason why people want dual spec. Because they don’t want to farm the gold etc. and don’t want to play with a PvE build in PvP and so on. Otherwise we wouldn’t need to ask for!

So while I can see that there is maybe for a very few people a disadvantage, we could also argue that they are just unwilling to respec or play another build. But that disadvantage doesn’t have impact for the whole game as you claim - just maybe for the very very few people out there.

So isn’t that the top of egoism? Even when you probably can understand the need and the want for dual spec, you refuse dual spec because you fear the consequences for your very own? It would help the majority but could possibly force you to another (better) spec that could help out the team more in the team based content, but you don’t want it, because it collides with your egoistic wishes!

So you are saying you want it for a selfish reason of not needing to farm gold. Got it!


Beside gold farming which has a negative impact over all, there are several other reasons and some of them have a positive passiv impact for the whole community. Your’s is just egoistic with no positive impact. Instead the majority has to suffer because you don’t want to play another build.

That is a huge difference here!!!

So we could say: don’t take yourself so damn seriously, or don’t play team based content unless you are willing to throw your selfishness overboard and bend to your team’s wishes!

So if someone said that your spec would be made obsolete by a change but it made other peoples lives slightly better you would be on board with it? Let’s be honest it’s’ because you don’t have the negative impact that you don’t care.


If I want to play a build that’s is obviously having so much disadvantages for the situation (otherwise they wouldn’t ask me to respec), I either wouldn’t play the content anymore if I’m not willing to change my build, or I would change my build.

So the answer is yes! If I’m playing a team sport I am acting as part of the team, not my own one-man-show ignoring my team.

But dual spec doesn’t make peoples live slightly better, it improves there ingame live a lot and that has also a positive impact for all other. Because the more people play the content, the better for everyone.

Agree to disagree then. I see it as a marginal improvement for everyone and not worth losing the spec I love to play.


And I see your reason as a very egoistic one that doesn’t help anybody but yourself. So we could ask, if it’s worth it to disagree to a system that helps the majority because some very small minority could maybe have to give up their imperfect build.

I think the answer is clear: go with the wishes of the majority, the minority has to come up with an acceptable sacrifice!

However, you can have w/e opinion you want, but stop to sell it as a huge disadvantage the whole community and game would suffer from. It’s just you and maybe some very few others.

I see it as the majority not caring if they trample on a small minority just as long as their lives can be slightly improved.

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Welcome to democracy, where your opinion and live matters as much as anybody else. If the majority hugely benefits from something and the price is acceptable for the minority, it’s a good change that should be implemented!

I am fine with compromises that would get some of the convenience you want without destroying my (or other hybrids) utility.

  1. PVP spec: Change to this spec when you enter a BG or Arena but can’t be used elsewhere
  2. Dual Spec with Instance Lock: Once you kill a boss in a dungeon or raid you are locked to that spec until the next lockout. If you try to re-enter in your other spec or change spec in the instance you are automatically switched to the spec you are locked to

This would get you your open world farming specs or your PVP specs without causing the problems that would ruin my build.

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Would be perfectly fine for me! Deserved upvote. :+1: