Dual Spec.. please?


I’m not sure how this proves you didn’t buy gold. But, hey, you do you!

Your posts boil down to I have no clue why people did something but I’ll make up whatever sht I want if it supports my agenda.

Both are true.

It is very difficult to implement dual spec into the current game, but not programmatically.

The difficulty is in implementing it without upsetting game balance, that’s incredibly difficult. But coding up a dual spec is not difficult.

To be clear, I’m not at all claiming that it would be easy to introduce dual spec. Quite the opposite, it’s incredibly difficult.

Programmatically it is easy (I used the term trivial) to build a dual spec functionality. But balancing it’s impacts and integrating it is very very hard. That’s actually my point. It’s not a trivial change in terms of game play impacts. It’s trivial to code, technically. But to introduce it in a balanced way talent trees would need to be reworked, more niche abilities would need to be baseline, essentially the class reworks that happened with WOTLK.

It would take teams of Business analysts game designers etc to integrate, even though the core dual specialisation functionality itself could be built with less than 100 lines of code.

Hey, that sounds exactly like you! How odd.

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They did not build the expansion around Dual Spec. They didn’t release Dual Spec until 6 months into the expansion.

It’s not even worth responding to this stuff anymore. I’m out.


We are, problem is you just try to invalidate anything but your narrative. And, you don’t do a good job of it.


See you in wotlk!

I’m hoping for over 1.5k posts on this thread

You claimed you weren’t playing wrath because it added dual spec. Were you lying then or are you lying now?

How in God’s name are you so willfully ignorant? Ghostcrawler himself stated he was rebuilding the game to accommodate specs and players and it’s “unsupported”? What is wrong with you? The game was changed specifically so you could remove that mage for a shadow priest due to lack of necessary CC and the things mages provide specifically so you have zero issues with them being shadow at any time. This is fact. Name one instance where the mechanics in TBC heroics or Cata Heroics pre nerf support the Dual Spec mantra like Wrath did.

If you can’t see these things then you are an A tier troll sir and I will salute you on that one. But the game very much was changed for a world where Dual Spec was present, and you see that every single expansion since Wrath.

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Oh BS. They very much did. Massive reduction in CC, less need in specific player utility on class, the ability to then flip to that spec as you want to fill that role at any given time? Give me a break. It was his very design philosophy to tear down walls between classes so you could bring whatever you want when you want. As such you could switch specs as you pleased and did the content with zero issues as the barriers of what made classes idealistic in an encounter was removed.

That’s exactly what I think about you. If I didn’t want the dual spec threads to be very long I would never talk to you at all. If you played on my server I would never join a group with you. I’d avoid you on the forums and in game.

Oh I wish you were on my server, I’d kick you from every single group I tanked, only to wait for the day I could do it on another character you never knew was me.

Go ahead and read his interviews and water coolers. He outlines all of his changes in those. If you can’t see the vast change in the game in Wrath you are indeed willfully ignorant. The changes made to the very design of mechanics was staggering and yet here you are “Nope. Dual spec for me. Yessirree. Dual Spec.” You are the very demographic a company shouldn’t make a decision on. And hopefully they are sane enough to see that and stick to what the game was built on. NO DUAL SPEC


I’m glad you’re not on mine

I think most people playing BC want dual spec. Let us all agree that a survey is needed on that question. Frankly when this thread begins to die down I’ll start a topic on that question to keep discussions about dual spec on the front page. But let’s keep this topic up as long as possible

Or I believe we should forgo that altogether and you just wait for it in Wrath like it was added. So far Blizzard agrees with us, and Thank God for that.


Yup, sounds about right.


Game design isn’t really a democratic process. With all due respect, the player-base may want dual spec but they aren’t as a group equipped with the knowledge of how that will impact game play and game balance, in short we’re not in an appropriate position to understand the consequences of our preference.

Ultimately, if Bliz do decide to alter the game in such a way one would hope they would do so with a clearer understanding of the implications than the player-base are able to have.


But you’re the genius with all the knowledge needed to pontificate on it for paragraphs here. /shrug

Quite the opposite, I know enough to know what I don’t know. It’s a big change and I am certainly not well positioned to be able to safely implement it, neither are you. Any hack could code it up. You probably could following a guide. But none of us are well positioned to make the call on whether it should be implemented, and how to go about doing so.

It’s much more of a potentially impactful change to gameplay than the oft cited “Pally seal” change.


I’m not asking to be in charge of implementing it. I’m asking blizzard to do it.