Dual Spec.. please?

Jeez, that’s ridiculous. Everyone knows it’s like asking for meat in a vegan restaurant. Or is it like changing cake into pie. Or pie into cake. Look if a bridge has pylons made of cake, pie, or meat the bridge will fall even if you leave all the pylons there and don’t build a heavy vegan restaurant on it.

It’ almost the same gd game. The only major difference is the cross realm lfd. There are many more differences between Vanilla and TBC then there are between BC and Wrath. But the really big changes started with Cata

It wasn’t ninja invites.

These were people not in my guild, on my friends list, asking for help.

They got on my friends list from grouping with them for dungeons, past guild members, when I was selling DMT buffs in classic, helping lowbies level when they were still leveling, exc.

Not everyone plays the game like you. Some of us treat the community as people, not healer #1 and healer #2.

Talking to people is part of the game. People ask me for help with stuff because I helped them before, I talked to them before, I grouped with them before, exc.

I haven’t had a tank shortage for all of tbc because I made connections. I have healers and tanks that know me and have me on their friends do list from over a dozen different guilds, not just my own.

I don’t confine myself to only playing with guildies or only helping guildies exc.

In the first month of tbc I did the elite quests I’m helfire over 30 times on the same character, because if I saw so.eone looking for group for it, I would offer to help. I didn’t need it after the first time, but I like helping people, I find it fun. I have done the negrand nessingway elites beast quests at least 15 times, and I even have helped people who were doing the early beast kill quests because I was farming meat anyway. This resulted in a healer following us because he was a skinner and he ended up in the group as well. I was there for the meat, the other dps was there for the quest and the healer was there for the skins. I made a new healer friend that day from helping a dps quest and I did about 3 heroics with him.

Your “small QoL” change will have far reaching impacts, one of them is going to result in a direct change to my way of playing regardless of if I get dual spec and regardless of if my raid forces me to have 2 raid specs or find a new guild.

Speaking of the scenario of “have 2 raid specs or find a new guild”, that’s a direct effect dual spec can have on people playing this game who chose not to get dual spec. Getting a guild kick all because of a “small QoL” change is something that is very possible for more competitive guilds. It can also lead to even more class stacking for raids for min max, exc.

And you want to tell me it won’t effect me… you don’t play the game in the way I do, and I can say with 100% certainty it will effect me even if I chose not to get it.

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While respec costs are one of the major reasons people want it added It won’t save the gold you imagine it would. Look at the low participation rates in arenas. Clearly players aren’t spending the gold to respec. If after dual spec is added they switch specs 3 times a week they aren’t saving 300 gold. Before dual spec they didn’t respec to pvp so they spent no gold. After dual spec they spend no gold to respec.

I wrath I respeced several times a week. In vanilla and BC I never did. Dual spec cost me 1,000 gold. I spent much more on respecs in Wrath than I did in vanilla and BC combined

And then they asked you to join a guild, which you left after a month because all they wanted was to use you for free buffs and stuff. Your words, not mine.

Gold is literally the only reason anybody wants dual spec. There isn’t a single other provided reason that I’ve seen that isn’t #muhgold.

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Okay so that actually isn’t what he’s describing. People getting carried by guildies/friends would happen with regardless of dual spec, because guess what people like getting carried.

Except for all the ones that people have provided that you just don’t understand :slight_smile: People have explained why the entire process of respeccing kills spontaneous gameplay beyond just gold.

The time it takes to go to a trainer, respec, and then go do what ever you wanted to do in the first place is worth far more than any gold cost.

The gold cost was never designed as a gold sink. It was punitive because blizz wanted your spec decision to matter. Even they eventually came to the conclusion that the class was a more important decision than the spec, and as the game evolved they realized people would play more if they could effectively participate in more than one aspect of the game.

Also, don’t worry man. It won’t come until wrath.

It results in both, with the latter being the stated reason, and the former being a collateral effect.

Correct, which is why they scrapped dual spec and added what they have in retail, so why exactly are we arguing over the implementation of a half-baked non-optimal version? There’s no precedence for either one being in TBC, so why not?

Yeah I’m fairly certain this will be the case.

Because retail specs have a lot more changes than just number of available specs, but you’ve made it clear you don’t understand the difference.


In your reality that isn’t really a limiting factor. Also, I disagree that the difference is vast.


Oh okay so then you would be fine with retail specs if you have to go to a trainer to change them got it, since there’s really no difference other than number of specs according to you.

It’s not surprising you can’t actually explain why dual spec would be bad in TBC if you can’t even understand the differences between dual spec and retail specs.

But you don’t get what that gold means. I’m not farming to pay for respecs now. I’m not farming because it’s not fun in a healer spec. I’m not respecing. I’d farm more if I had dual spec. I’m not healing on my druid because it’s not fun in a resto spec. I don’t farm to pay to respec to resto. I just don’t respec. If there was dual spec I’d do more dungeons as a healer.

You seem to think people are paying hundreds of gold a week and want dual spec to save that gold. Many aren’t. We’re not looking to save the gold we’re spending now. The cost is an impediment to playing other parts of the game. I don’t want to pay the respec costs so I don’t. I play less and only one part of the game. I’m not the only one who makes similar choices.

What I’m doing with my druid is leveling it to 70 to wait for wrath. It’s like what I did with my hunter in classic. I didn’t like doing most dungeons because of the dead zone. It wasn’t fun for me. So I just didn’t do them. I just leveled it to 60 so I could play BC where there is no dead zone.

I don’t believe it was ever a gold sink. Very few of of the people I played with respeced. Most just only played the part of the game they were specced to play. If it was such a good gold sink there would be lots of pve players respecing to pvp. But they are not.

If Blizzard were going to add a form of free respeccing to the game (highly unlikely), and I actually cared to stick around and play it in the scenario, then yes, I’d prefer them implement the actual end result of the design intention rather than the half-baked, unfinished version.

It’s a self-imposed impediment.

You make the choice to overcome that impediment, or you don’t. The power is yours.

Instead you want Blizzard to remove that sense of choice entirely. Good on you, removing options.


I don’t even care about that at all. Every change that happened was highly unlikely. I was absolutely surprised when they announced the changes to multiboxing. Such a big change to something that was in the game from the beginning that the devs said over and over and over again would never change. But even though I was told it would never change and I believed it would never change I still kept posting against it.

I don’t care about that either. The zeitgeist is for dual spec. Even if there was something better that I wanted I would join the crowd and push for what most people want. I go with the flow that’s moving in my direction. I don’t try to start my own channel in the flow and hope others will join me there.

It’s like the claim that we all were pushing for vanilla classic because it was the best part of the game. Some of us pushed for vanilla classic because we knew we couldn’t get BC or Wrath unless we got classic first. Vanilla, while better than retail, is imo the worse of the trilogy. I’m glad to be done with it.

And lastly I don’t believe you would prefer they added retail multispec over dual spec. You think that stupid argument is a “winner” for you so you keep repeating it. What you want is to “win” the “debate” and you’ll say whatever you think does that.

Woah there, pony boy.

The push for classic entails a great variety of groups, but notably among them, the giant surge for vanilla specifically came from people who were coming off of the private server boom particularly from the shutdown Nostalrius.

You’re making a claim that most (or all?) people pushing for classic truly only wanted TBC/WOTLK, and that’s a seriously bold claim to make.

I’m not. That’s why it’s such a waste of time to be here with you fools. I’m saying that some of us didn’t think vanilla was the best and preferred BC and Wrath but went along with the push for vanilla only because it had to come first. Now you dodo brained idiot. Quote the part where I said that most (or all) people pushing for classic truly only wanted BC or Wrath.

Some of us, some of us, some of us. Not most of us or all of us or even a majority of us.

and by the way. I don’t even care if I get a suspension for this. Trying to have a rational dialog with you is a waste of time. I’d relish a few days break.

So if you don’t prefer TBC, why are you trying to change it and deprive those of us who actually do like TBC the legitimate experience?