I don’t lie. You cant deflect from your own dishonesty by [pretending an equal and opposite offence. This is another example of your dishonest practices.
I’ve lied in the past. I don’t value lying and I am ashamed of myself for having done so. I highly value truth. I’m utterly against people like you and your pals who see lies and misrepresentation as a fair strategy of discussion.
You want to trigger me - just keep telling flagrant lies and misreprentaitons. That’ll do it.
You don’t know the first thing about truthfulness. You live in a realm of misrepresenting peoples positions to construct strawmen. You defend people and have a laugh with them when they are caught out directly lying. You actively gang up on opponents to defend lies in order to grief and trash them out of the argument.
Your moral compass is way off. You’re indistinguishable from a gaggle of about 10 other posters who thrive on trolling on this forum.
I’ve unblocked them all now. If blizzard want there forums to be a cess pool of sociopathic internet bullies and trolls so be it. Blocking this many led to myself being left open to unmoderated underhanded attacks without a right of reply.
If blizzard wanted to police it they would. At least this way when these wackos decide to stalk my posts and make personal attacks I get to return the favour.
Oh, what amazes me is that I’m still getting notified and responded to by people who said they were done with this thread and done with me and seemed to conclude that Blizzard just wouldn’t do anything.
For some reason, simply saying that and being done with the whole thing isn’t satisfactory enough for them, so they keep on repeating themselves over and over again.
Which is a tactic in an of itself that someone mentioned.
If you have not argument, you simply keep repeating yourself until the other side gives up in exhaustion.
Keep up the good work. If it succeeds you can put it on your resume and get paid to do your hobby of lying a misrepresenting stuff with a bunch of likeminded wackos to get what you want - like politics…