Dual Spec.. please?

Yeah but world bumps are a little bit different I would make an argument that world buffs increased every year is increased everyone’s damage by at least 20%.

You’re not going to get that type of damage increase from another speck Those are 2 different things let alone.

The reason I say it’s going to affect the top 20% of guilds is this When you start talking on the top Is 20% those are the gills that are really going to care about those top parces.

Your average Joe gilled is not They’re just gonna want to go in there and have fun they’re gonna wind you well but They’re not going to care if OK guys have weak switch specs on trash to the boss we increase our output by 0.5% more.

That’s just not the mind said they’re going to have like it or not And again it’s not that big of a deal.

Just because it was in wrath not every single system is designed around everything else you’re assuming they designed every single raid with dual speck in mind.

It wasn’t something they thought about and you know how I can prove that If you See any interviews with some of the original developers when they talked about classic.

Is when asked about world buffs, Is drums, Is enchantine, Enjoyed crafting all those yeah we didn’t think about any of that.

I’m pretty sure they also didn’t intend for a hybrid spec for a worldwide to be the most powerful DPS spec bit’s full dps back but here we are.

They don’t prethink every single thing defect everything else So I would make an argument dull speck is fine.

It’s not going to destroy the game and realistically the possible downsides that could happen are so ministerial into the potential good and the good it will do.

I’m not even in a top 20% guild. We’re 7/10 which is currently on the wrong side of the progress bell curve.

I haven’t asked but I think there are many players in my guild that are dedicated enough to PvE to use both their specs for raiding. I know I would.

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OK one I wasn’t downplaying it too They’re aren’t going to be that many fights if it were going to happen where it would matter how many fights in the burning crusade you honestly think people are going to do this on.

Maybe sunwell And that’s a big maybe I hate to break it here but The rates aren’t hard People are stomping them into the ground.

Heck I’m on a low pop server And our 1st Silver kill was I think 2 days after I heard about the world’s 1st kill so that was what 2 days after the patch dropped.

And no I’m not trying to downplay it when I’m seeing a what if honestly how many gilts do you realistically think is going to do this and let’s just say for the argument they do what let’s pretend.

Let’s pretend it becomes meta for people to have Your tanks have ADP S off speck OK is ospect OK oh no look at all the obspect gear that they have they can finally use.

If it let’s people play the game more and makes the game a more enjoyable experience why doesn’t matter so much.

But again that’s if that happens realistically I can only see people doing that in the top 20%.

At least to that degree now maybe some people won’t want to do it now granted I’m the main tank in my Guild.

So I would probably have a farming speck and I would like to PVP And you want to I’m not doing it right now oh Hey not only do I have to get a secondary gear set together.

But I have to spend a 100 gold each time I want to do it not fun.

Yes you have a point you could justifiably do that and the top kills will do that but here’s the thing I don’t care what the top guilds do.

Your average players most of them they’re going to have an offspect to be used either one for PVP or questing that makes tanks and healer’s lives a lot easier.

So realistically it’s not gonna be that big of a deal if it does happen


No they don’t. They streamline certain aspects to the game that already exist. You further contradict yourself by admitting that…

Saying you took dual spec with you is like saying you took your bank slots with you or you took your guild bank with you. It’s like a blacksmith using his blacksmith weapons saying he took an anvil and forge with him.

You used an process that streamlined and simplified access to an alternate spec. Access which has been made available since the game was first implemented.

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If your Guild’s doing stuff like that II would say you’re still more on the hard core side of things.

I mean I mean tank and Michael and I Is can honestly say nobody my Guild would even remotely think like that.

I think that’s a little silly personally but I’m not in one of those gills that would want to mid Max that hard.

Correct, it’s also arguable that the change became needed because pvp gear and pve gear saw a separate role with resilience, where that didn’t exist in vanilla.

Yeah you’re not wrong. It’s not always a min-max thing but what else am I going to use my 2nd spec for? I have alts to farm with, I don’t PvP. May as well design 2 raiding specs. And if I have them, may as well use them! I don’t think that’s necessarily a hardcore mindset, aside from having a level 70 alt.

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That’s the thing, this isn’t conducive to understanding. Try to find the truth in what I’m saying.

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Yeah I mean but that’s what I’m saying the people that are going to have a secondary dedicated OK if we had dual speck I have geared already set up for it I’m going to be this I’m going to be that.

Those are the people that are going to do that but your average Guilds They’re not going to impose that type of thing.

Now I’m not saying it’s good or bad that’s all on up to you and you’re guilt But what I’m saying is it’s not going to be like the world buff meta.

Or even the drum meta because If dual spec could potentially increase your DPS by 20% throughout the whole raid yeah it would be a little bit more hesitant but the reality is it doesn’t.

It lets people have more freedom with their class and more choice and I’m all for that that’s why I’m so in favor of dual spec.

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And blizzard did none of those things and mainly because what did we say #NoChanges And that’s why spell patchy was in the game too and that turned out so wonderful.

Is along with world buffs as well such a good feature for the game And Warriors were gods.

You’re missing the point.

You, and others, have insisted that there be additional reasons necessary for adding in changes like:

  • Change must help prevent some abuse
  • Change must fix some problem
  • Change must anticipate some bad player behavior
  • Change can’t change too much to keep things authentic
  • Etc.

So many changes have been put into place that don’t fit into most of these categories, and rarely the same category. There is no one reasoning-fits-all, beyond “Blizzard felt it would be a good thing to do”. That explicitly leaves a place for Dual Spec.

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Spell batching let me trap during raid fights when tined properly when traps still were not usable in combat and raid bosses had a ticking aura that would force you back into combat every 2 seconds.

I’m not saying spell batching was good, but it did have upsides to those who used it properly.

But you are in a way I mean you’re a committing and seeing that it allowed you to do things in the game you couldn’t have done without it.

And I was extremely exploitable especially by shaman’s and pvp And Warriors but for the record with the Warrior exploit at least you had to set it up.

And yeah it could be cool but overall it just wasn’t good for the game Is my point.

We got #NoChanges And I would argue it was damaging to the game.

Right I agree dual spec would help with a lot of problems in the game tremendously But apparently I guess dual speck is less impactful than seeing faction battlegrounds.

But that 1 was OK because it helped solve a huge problem well So I don’t understand how they can argue against duel Spec when literally at least I want it for the same reason.

But it also was how the game was back in actual vanilla.

I’m glad they changed it, but I can respect the initial attempt to respect how the game played back then and trying to reproduce it in classic.

It’s better off not having it, but there needs to be a reason other than “I want it” for a change to be made. In spellbatching case it was causing exploits to be possible.

[Citation Needed]


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He’s just going to keep piling on the lies without backing up any of his previous statements.

No idea why you keep interacting with him. He’s got you repeating yourself over and over again because he just reiterates his original presumptions as if nothing was said to him previously.

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Every time the “there must be a need” lie is trotted out by just about anyone, I like marking it as false and demonstrating their continual inability to argue a basic point they insist is a given. That’s all.

I don’t expect him to actually answer anything. He’ll just ignore, or respond to something I didn’t say, and keep going.

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Excellent explanation

He cant that would require quotient points he doesnt have

No im not. I understand why people feel it should be in the game and why people FEEL it would be beneficial. I just DONT AGREE. Its simple really


Yeah maybe however people realize very quickly how exploitable was and just because it was their back on day doesn’t mean it was good for the game.

World buffs caused a very toxic meta like it or not Phase 2 overworld PDP literally destroyed PVP servers on mass.

Servers With even a little faction and balance everyone started leaving them very quickly that’s why we have so many servers with literally 100% hoard or very close to it.

Class balance I don’t even want to go there yeah Warriors are bloody broken as all Hag There is no such thing as threat control so that’s why there are so many people that just don’t understand Hey let tank get agro 1st.

Yeah Just because it was the way back the day doesn’t mean ithis doesn’t mean it’s good and I would make the same argument with lack of dual speck.

And don’t even get me started on the PVP system that thing can go burn And the most deep dark abyss a wherever it crawled out of.

You know a system is bad when you even Really serious pvp Players say never again That should tell you how bad that system was designed.

It wasn’t good for anyone and quite bringley should have been removed My point is #NoChanges Was overall bad for the game.