OK no I’m not II don’t know how you got Is the for me comparing the leather working change to dual spec I don’t know where you got that but no.
Is in fact a bathing the leather working Justifies my argument What was the reason that they made those nerves on those professions to give player’s choice.
What does dual spec do it gives players choice As far as optimizing every single speck what are you really.
What I’m saying is that stoolspeck would let people try out other things it would encourage people to try out different things it would encourage people to try PVP more.
Because let’s even not talk about optimal let’s just try jumping in for example if you’re a paladin or Warrior tank.
You’re not doing crap for DPS that’s just how that works and if I how that works in fact I would make an argument you could probably do more damage as a healer than a tank.
Obviously your gear sits are going to be different but really I mean how much different do you think your gear set is going to be from a affliction warlock to is 4 lock 2A.
The one hybrid build in the entire game that’s extremely good it’s extremely good I always just called it the shadow bolt speck because that’s literally what it is.
So no I’m not I’m saying that dual spec would help the game open up opportunities for people as far as the changes they made to leather working yeah I’m happy they did that.
Because I’m sorry we don’t need a repeat of the world buff meta in some ways even worse.
We don’t need to have professions encouraging people to level up is level up 2 professions every single time.
They get a new ring or a new neck or a new piece of gear tavir that’s just not healthy for any one or good.
So I don’t know how you connected that to that but OK.
And thirdly I’ve never said that dual speck would solve the game’s problems however it’s not unlikely to consider because of the way people play the game now.
I don’t think it’s that far of a stretch to say people would leave the game because of it Now is that the only reason no am I not even enough to say that.
This dull speck is going to make all the people that left come back no But I’ll say it like this it’s sure to heck wouldn’t hurt.
So again I say #DualSpeck