Dual Spec.. please?

I won’t. But I know others will.

This is what I call Business opportunity.

CBA to spend hours farming, amirite?
WoW token adds convenience to players to enjoy the gameplay without having to grind several hours for it, while it allows players to actually enjoy this grinding for hours a day to get their objective.

nobody cares about your stupid threat to buy wow gold

What you don’t seem to realize is almost nobody cares about anyone here or what they say.

my dear del,

And here I am defending TBC … that’s gotta tell you something. I’m trying to preserve a game for what it was, despite me not even liking it all that much. A game is what it was. Good and bad.

This goes for all games. Not just TBC.

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yea, but I mean at this point, Blizzard has given plenty of changes to TBC (phase hunter mount, level boosts, spell batching)

May as well throw in Dual Spec.

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This would affect a lot the gameplay . I am not for it .
It’s bad enough that I compare already with mages and warlocks for items with healing … (no idea why they need them) .


NO. Please just no…


Spell Batching? You realize spell batching was there for when the world had crap internet right? Just stop, dual spec doesn’t belong in TBC, period.


Since you deleted your post, I’ll respond anyways. Spell batching also allowed people to hearth back for instance to another place while also setting their hearthstone to their current location so that they can move around the world quickly.

Dual Spec will not help the “shortage of tanks and healers” because people don’t want to tank for pugs who don’t listen, ninja items and are just overall bad at the game and refuse to listen.


Exactly! I have been in PUGS where people blame a new tank for everything, and don’t want to be patient and allow the tank to pull carefully. Healers get blamed for people dying to stupid stuff and some DPS are also impatient with healers who need them to give more time to get mana, etc. So if people want more tanks and healers, be more encouraging, more patient with both classes, and maybe help them out by not standing in fire, or pulling aggro off of them and so on.


At this point I’ve already lost $100 at the casino, may as well bet my life’s savings!


nope. it does not follow that a bunch of changes means “might as well throw in dual spec”.


Nooooooo that’s not how this works. Nor should it.

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a simple solution would be to put a cooldown on it like an hour or something.

They should add BiS Plate-gear for tanks based on running Heroics, a tank only currency. Like Mages BiS is Tailoring Engineering crafted. This would stick to the types of systems implemented in TBC. Dual spec isn’t along those similar lines.

Also allow this currency to repair.

They tried that in WotLK (well… loot boxes) and it didn’t work.
As previously said by others, maybe if some DPS were less pew pew and more observant of aggro, LoS, CC, we might have more tanks willing to pug.
Best example was a pug in Kara that I had with my tank recently… the first arcane missile was flying even before I had a judgement on the boss → result: mage dead, healers stressed out and me having a hard time picking the boss back up.

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This gets me killed as a mage too. Classic 101 skills. It’s a l2p. Not conform to retail.

While we are at it, we should just merge TBC with Shadowlands and be done with it. Players like you have ruined the TBC experience.


Problem is, it wouldnt fix it for long.

Dual spec isnt just to fix some tank shortage, do u know that?

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