Dual Spec.. please?

All druids, warriors, and paladins have a tank spec. Not every druid, warrior, and paladin is a tank. Raid/group comp means the numbers will be dps>healers>tanks.

If you are a good tank you are bombarded with tells and have new groups waiting when that group gets done. Many dps who could level a tank would rather not run anything than themselves be the ones to tank. It is the problem has always had and probably always will have.

Sure. TBC is pretty good for me. This is what I expected.

You misread me. I’m not a Authentic TBC experience person. I’m fine with whatever blizz decides.

I’m interested in seeing how pvp plays out. I remember the original tbc calls from arena players they were displeased battling T5/T6 geared players. I have no expectations of what it will be because the good players are better now.

Yeah, whatever people agree to is on them. I also believe people will adapt if they can but not everyone will be able too.

I wanted you to be better.

Also, sometimes your nostalgia doesn’t come with all the details. This makes it easy to misremember ALOT. Nostalgia is real because it is personal. Your old experience will be different from the next player.

But the Felweed, Thereza! You would not wonder, if you used this herb yourself. You might find that smoke blown out cleared your mind of shadows within!

Anyway, it gives patience, to listen to error without anger. But it is not one of the Night Elf toys. It is an art of the Gnomes away in the mountains of Dun Morogh! They are merry and worthy folk, though not of much account, perhaps, in your high policies.

Sorry, but the Star Wars prequels are bad. George Lucas should be ashamed. We deserve better!


10,000g and dual spec is yours.

The important thing is, you’re totally for it. :+1:

15.000G is the legit price for Dual Spec.

And of course… blizzard will help players get the gold for dual spec with… WoW TBC Token.

I can’t wait for it.

Yup, never before has there been a better incentive for people to buy gold. Bots better be getting busy! :yum:

See. People that never had gold legitimately can’t think other way to get gold other than buying and through bots.

That is why they keep pulling this agenda onto us. They cannot think there is a legit way for you to get 5000g for a epic mount for example.

It is hilarious how people will expose their true nature so easily.

Forget Dual Spec. I want Dual Classing, or rather Multi-Classing. Go big or go home.

Yeah, but with you here to show them the way, Thereza, gold-buying and botting will be gone overnight. I have complete faith in your persuasiveness! :wink:

Good idea! Make that thread and get some support!

Maybe you’ll get as many :blue_heart:s as the Dual Spec threads.


continues to negotiate with terrorists, lucky hes not in charge

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He’s another one of those posters who don’t play the game and simply pay Blizzard monthly to post on the forums to hate on the game and attempt to stop emergent issues from being addressed. There’s more than a few of those people doing that, as you’ve probably noticed:

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If a retail alt starts posting on the TBC forums, I never take them seriously.


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You could start by closing the forums and actually playing the game. It is possible to make 1k a day easily.

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But then I wouldn’t get to talk to you, Thereza! :blush:

Then I and many others will just buy the gold. I’ve never bought gold in wow or wow classic but I would if this happened.