Dual Spec.. please?

While this thread I was making was disputing the points brought up by the pro-dual spec people (and not just the weak “I want it” type of arguments) It doesn’t really fully give you what you are asking for but it does show in it’s refutations many reasons why it would be a negative.


Mostly the reasons I am against it is:

  1. Eliminates the Niche hybrid builds bring to a raid
    “Why bring the feral druid that can tank and DPS in one spec when we can just bring a Prot Pally that can dual-spec swap to Holy or Ret” Also other builds will sacrifice 100% optimal performance in a given role to be able to perform 2 roles with 1 spec and just swapping gear

  2. New Meta for everyone to have 2 specs in raids ready and available. This obviously won’t affect your pure DPS classes (Hunter, Mage, Warlock & Rogue) but for any class that can perform 2+ roles you will be expected to be able to do so. Also certain bosses have different comps needed (which kind of goes back to point 1) Like for instance if we go into Karazahn only Netherspite needs 2 tanks and only Nightbane needs 3 healers. Aran however needs 0 tanks. In a world without dual-spec hybrid builds where people can swap gearsets and perform a role within the same spec are more valuable for these fights outside of the raid norm.

Compromise I am willing to make:
I would be OK with Dual-spec as long as you are locked to your spec once you kill a boss in a raid. You can still switch your spec outside of the raid but if you try to change or enter in the opposite spec from which you are saved you’ll be prevented.