Dual Spec is NOT a QOL Change

I think dual spec is an accessibility thing.

I’m planning on rolling a feral druid. Be a tank. But if, at end game, I can easily switch to something else (Resto, Balance) that just gives me ways to play and group with others. Without it, I would somehow need to have the gold to do this, and if I didn’t have the gold, I couldn’t play.

I don’t see how dual spec is not pure win.

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If the gold is the issue, why wouldn’t simply lowering the gold cost be the fix in the least invasive way possible?

^ This ship has already sailed, so it’s a moot point.

However if Dual Spec is implemented in a way where you need to go to the class trainer or be in a major city to use it, and it has a small gold cost, that to me would be the best compromise to address the issue you’re mentioning, while also preserving the Vanilla gameplay.

We’ll see how it gets implemented.

But all of that aside, just get hype and let’s play the game :partying_face:


Give Prot Pallies taunt. That would be a QOL Change.

I agree with you. It is a significant gameplay change.

That’s why you should only be able to swap specs in a major city.
Both sides win with this restriction.

It’s a silly purity thing.
I think dual-spec is a great addition.

The difficulty of switching classes, especially for classes like Druid and such, makes this a godsend.


Except it isnt at all.

The gameplay is the exact same.

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What is the gameplay of “oh I want to join your group but I have to go back to the city to respec”? Like what is good about that requirement except it taking much longer depending on where the dungeon is? It’s just better for the players if you can change on the spot for virtually free.


I used to see it that way but being able to swap in the open world is genuinely a change to gameplay.

If this were classic plus I’d be 100% on your side, but it’s classic fresh. So preserving those elements of gameplay as they were is important.

Being able to swap in a capital city only (or at any class trainer) is the only option we have for allowing dual spec and not disrupting gameplay.

Granted it’s not so gameplay changing that it’ll ruin anything, but it’s still different than original and classic must be preserved in a fresh form.

Apparently it’s immersion breaking if somebody they dont know is swapping specs when they wouldn’t know.

They get attacked by someone and get angry HE PROBABLY JUST SWAPPED SPECS


There IS a classic server preserved, that is still there for people who want it.

That’s exactly right. A large portion of classic is tedious garbage you have to slog through. It’s not made to be a game where you can do whatever whenever. There is a process that must be followed, as is the classic way.

So yes I fully expect to have to go all the way back to a major city to redo my talents, even if I have dual spec. Because that slog time is part of what makes classic classic.

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It was marketed as classic fresh not classic plus.

The game should be mostly the original game without significant changes and that includes the slog of walking all the way back to a major to redo talents.

It’s part of classic man. If they marketed this as classic plus things would be different.

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No, walking 20 mins back to town isn’t something that makes the game better, not interested in it.

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They never once said no changes.

Not one single time during any video or at the event.

You guys just assumed for some reason.

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They didn’t have to. Fresh means mostly the same game just fresh servers.

Plus means significant gameplay changes to see what they can do.

Fresh means new servers not no changes.

Are you high?

Dual spec is amazing, you’re gonna have healers for those leveling dungeons now. And they get to play the game outside of raid for once.

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I’m not saying it makes the game better.
But it does make the game classic.

That 20 minute adventure that you have to go on to do that one small thing just to come all the way back after the fact is 100% in line with how classic feels.

Sometimes the game kicks you in the shins for fun and runs away and that is exactly what a lot of us want to see. We wanna be kicked in the shins, just like the good old days. Lol

Dude he posted in another thread that he wants chrono:

but no changes!!!


Only the changes HE wants.