Dual Spec is much needed as Death Knights

  1. The same arguments you can hold for dual spec are also valid for Death Knight.
  2. If the first is needed, the second is needed as well.
  3. If the first should be added for convenience, the second should be as well.
  4. Both are Wrath additions. If you want dual spec, you must be willing to get death knight too.
  5. If you think the second shouldn’t be added, then the first shouldn’t be added too.

There’s more need for Death knights than for dual spec.

If you add Death knights, you breathe new life into the leveling zones of TBC, and add much needed tanks.

Dual spec is a meme. Death knights are the dream.



It appears to be a riddle.

People make the most ridiculous arguments on here.

If you think dual spec should be added to TBC, why don’t they just add Torgast, and conduits?!?

Every single anti dual spec thread is some random low level alt, curious how many are from the same person.


I’d like to have dual spec because it’s not fun to quest, farm, or pvp in a raid healing spec and with all the other things I need to buy I can’t afford to pay the respec cost. Adding death knights doesn’t help me do any of that on my holy priest.


Actually adding Death knights brings more player and server activity allowing Blizzard to improve the game due to monetary influx.

The more money we give Blizzard the better the game! Implement WoW token to TBCC ASAP.

In other words, the first part of the party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the first part of the party of the first part. Moreover, you should have been at the first party because we didn’t get home till around four in the morning. I was blind for three days. But why can’t the first part of the second party be the second part of the first party? At that point, you have something.

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Tri-Spec™ coming soon™


Lol Dual spec is quality of life to the game to help with healers and tank.

Not just add wrath things.

The mental gymnastics you people do to try and prove #nochanges to a game the devs dont give 2 poops about is astounding.

Its a 15 year old game get over your stupid nostalgic agenda.


This strawman is easy enough to debunk. The amount of effort to be put in to redesign talent trees and abilities to lvl 70 max, add in tier gear, is a massive amount of work compared to DS.

I’m not against Death Knights as a class in TBC but you handcuffing them to dual spec arguments as an epic debunk is pretty handily wrong.

Imagine I want to PVP as a different spec every week. How does the implementation of death knights fix that? Oh wait… It doesn’t.

Addition of 1 new tanking class =/= the ability for all classes to switch specs to help tank/heal dungeons, heroics, raids and pvp.

Death Knights don’t apply to anything in this list except the tanking part, dual spec does. Thus your strawman is deemed laughably invalid.


Its a QoL change.

Its good for the game it benefits everyone. It hurts no one instead of the crybaby #nochanges people.

  1. Dual specs help- Tank/healers can switch freely. Helps the economy with pugs.
  2. Helps with pvpers- They dont have to change from Raid spec to pvp spec and pay gold.
  3. Helps with farmers who are healers( as myself) to change specs and farm without wasting gold.
  4. Helps with raids- Short on heals but have an extra dps so they can freely switch and help the raid without wasting their gold or the guilds gold.

Only negative. Hurts the feelings of the boomers who dont want changes to a 15 year old game they cant get over they will never have that nostalgic feeling again.


Respec cost will barely even matter after we get all of the daily questing hubs, just be patient.

I specifically play TBC because it came before all of the QOL changes of later expansions.

You’ll have to justify why, after you literally chose to play an expansion that never had those QOL features, why you are trying to make TBC have them. It was never meant to, and we knew well ahead of time it didn’t.

The responsibility is really on you to actually play games that have what you actually want instead of trying to change the games that are what others want in to what you want.

Its a 15 year old game. Times change. Not as many people play TBC as they did before because it was the only expansion.

No one knew about switching specs back then free spec changes helped the game a lot.

I do play the game and I enjoy it a lot but its very frustrating when I have to change specs for pvp and sometimes raid when its a simple fix.

Like I said it helps everyone.

Everyone wants different things and thats what the forum are for. I am not telling you are wrong. I am disagreeing with your point and stating how it would help the player.

I know you hate retail players but a ton of people play TBC that came from retail. (Me included) It will help keep them in TBC.

Nobody disagrees with the fact dual spec would help people.

LFD would also help people. Garrisons would help people. Retail spec system would help people. Unlocking race/class combinations of later expansions would be helpful.

Tons of things are helpful from later expansions.

But they are in later expansions. If you want those helpful things, either play retail which is the current combination of all of those things, or wait for WOTLK to get a bit more of those things.

You can’t just add anything on the argument that it is helpful or a QOL upgrade. The lack of dual spec is a feature in and of itself. The whole point is that those features are missing.

This is the best argument someone actually had and I agree with you, it wasn’t in the game before and that is what TBC was supposed to be #nochanges. But they have also changed things about TBC so it was never #nochanges in the first place and I think that’s why people are asking for retail things.

If Activision actually didnt budge and didnt change anything about TBC I dont think people would be asking for retail things.

This was Activisions fault for not releasing the original game and time gating everything.

The arena one is dumbest thing they have ever done lol

Big true. Especially since any spec of DK can tank, just turn on frost presence. Lets add Dk’s in right now imo.

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There’s a vast chasm between #nochanges and not adding things that completely go against the experience of original TBC. Not all changes have the same effect on your experience.

Just because they gave Alliance Paladins Seal of Martyr doesn’t mean they’re free to go ahead and add LFD because hey why not.

Doesnt any change to the game ruin the experience for people?

Time gating things change the experience for players.

Will dual spec change the experience? Sure.

I know the Arena change ruined my experience. I loved PVP in TBC and now its trash and Arena is dead.

HvH they just added because “Why not” Lets see if it works. Now when you change things it opens the door for any changes.

I mean, you’re making a pretty good argument for why Blizzard should often refrain from changing anything. They often muck things up whenever they do, just look at PvP.

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