Dual spec for TBC, please! A humble request

Pandas! DKs! DHs!
more Pandas!
LFR too!

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i wouldnt call it slippery slope as much as people are already taking the #somechanges crap and trying to shove lots and lots of changes down everyones throat and being picky about what we choose to fight and what we dont means people will sneak in things that some of us are like either or about and it will look like alot of people are for.

I agree with you. I want tbc to have minimal changes but some people want all the retail features that the classic community despises.


i agree but i will put a counter point to what you said.

people know something is messed up from classic to retail. alot of them dont know what is or cant agree on what it was exactly.

i would argue it was mostly due to the crossrealm dungeon finder and the other crossrealm things added later in combination with the dungeons being severely dumbed down right after tbc heroics being a hit with their difficulty and requiring a mild amount of skill to down be it in cc or being geared and doing good dps/hps/dtps.

and then it was the taking out of most of the RPG elements and extra steps to things and taking out the challenge.

people think “oh this change wont hurt that feeling” and what they dont realize is alot of other people are thinking the same thing but with other changes they want and if you add them all up it becomes retail lite and we are back wanting the design of old again and then classic classic happens and the same people come out of the woodwork and do it all again.

people dont know the very thing they crave would be the doom of the game and feeling they are trying to capture.

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I think the lfg and lfr are the big driving forces for the hatred of retail. People who play mmos are typically looking for a sense of community which is fundamentally ruined when you can find a group automatically and not have to communicate with anyone.

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ya its one of the causes.

taking away server rivalries and community aspects of a MMORPG is just one of the worst decisions i think was made.

but i truly believe it was also taking away the extra steps of what makes it a rpg too that made it this bad.

I’d be all for this. Just having the bars ready to go would be huge.
On present classic, I use an add on called “what’s training” you can store multiple builds you create and then upload. Go to trainer, choose one and then just click away. It’s lovely.

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