Nah, I dislike having to go to a town to do it. Takes an extra few mins, clearly everyone jsut buys gold to deal with the cost right?
I respec so rarely that it’s not an issue for me. I’m not particularly a fan of dual spec in TBC, but if they do it, just make it plain old dual spec without all the stupid condtions. It’s like getting a Christmas present but being told you only get to play with it once a week after church.
My suggestions for Dual-Spec that wouldn’t create problems with raid balancing or screwing hybrids.
PVP vs PVE spec. You could set a different spec that would be used whenever you entered an arena or BG
Spec instance Locking. You could have multiple specs however once you killed a boss in an instance you were locked to that spec until the end of the run (either spec slot A or B) You could however get around this by hearthing back and spending 50g to modify the spec that you were saved to but this would cost gold rather than just being a free change of spec.
Spec Templates. Still charge 50g to swap specs whenever but for no charge you can save a template to be able to quickly swap to whenever you change specs (just a convenience feature that wouldn’t affect balancing or the gold cost)
Solution 2 is honestly the one that gives players the most freedom without the inherent problem of dual-spec.
I meant without the gold cost. Any other reason to have dual spec would be exploited to ends that would negatively effect the original design intent.
I really think just being unable to swap in instances is the only real limitation needed. The weekly limit seems completely arbitrary and is aimed at the same problem that prohibiting instance spec swaps solves. In arena you should be able to swap before the gates open only.
This is one of those changes that hurts no one. Literally no one. It helps everyone or at worst is neutral if you choose not to use it.
The only argument for going against dual spec is essentially the “no changes” thing. I fundamentally disagree with no changes interpreted literally. I agree that the vast majority of the expansion should not be changed. That being said, dual spec only increases the convenience of doing something you could already do in TBC and I see no problem with that sort of change especially considering dual spec is one of the features that is (almost) universally viewed in a positive light.
Now, the changes to arena gearing I completely disagree with…the gear and it’s aquisition methods should remain as similar as is possible as it was during the normal content cycle. At least for the first iteration of tbc classic. If there are seasonal servers later I’m sure there will be much more freedom to experiment with less backlash.
So, eliminate the one easily defensible reason to implement dual spec.
I propose the following:
Allow swapping between two specs, by traveling to a class trainer, and paying 50 gold per swap. There ya go, dual spec with limitations.
but that’s not true. Hybrid specs go extinct as soon as you can efficiently, and easily swap between pure specs. You will be expected to swap, if the friction for doing so is effectively zero.
It’s a QOL change that had non obvious side effects, but which fundamentally changed the game for the worse. Just like queued dungeons, and LFR.
…addons already do that for free, nobody would buy it
they should just add dual spec. its actually dumb not to.
For a smattering of very niche, useless specs I am learning. Never experienced this issue playing druid through wrath and cata but keep making these excuses up.
Oh we also topped it off with a “it’s just as bad as LFR” cause we wanna tie anything in retail to bad.
Neither of those are TBC. Wrath In particular is when they started to embrace garbage like LFD, dual spec, and then raid finder in cata. Don’t worry, you’ll get your retail lite, just as soon as we get WOTLK classic.
Yeah sorry… don’t want the covenant energy system in classic thanks though.
Okay, that’s fair. How about this. A secondary spec being available (for one time purchase) only for use in pvp. Only in Bgs, and arenas so that wpvp and pve are left unaffected.
I personally think this option would leave both camps slightly dissatisfied but also more satisfied than no dual spec or full dual spec.
I would LOVE to see dual spec offered in TBC
If you grabbed my arm and said you’re picking one of these two bastardized options, Sure. Otherwise, the original version was perfectly fine.
yeah that’s been one of the options I’ve been proposing as well. People having an instanced PVP spec wouldn’t cause any problems in terms of balancing.
Dual spec was added in Wrath.
Yup. I see why people would be concerned about having to swap constantly in pve and other situations. That wouldn’t necessarily bother me but I’d be happy as long as I can pvp without having to respec or feel gimped.
but it will
up to tbc hybrid specs still exists, dual spec will just kill it , at LK good talents were so deep they were effectively dead, thats why dual spec didnt have negative aspects on LK