DS dps question

ive spent 2 hours looking through old MMO champion pages trying to find actuall cata 4.3 dps ranking info and come up with nothing so ill ask here what classes were good going from firelands to DS (excluding any class that required the staff to do good)

every class that does good now still does good in DS, even casters without the staff since you can just use a deathwing weapon like Rathrak, The Poisonous Mind or Ti’tahk, The Steps of Time

Arms Warrior and Survival Hunter, more or less. Assassination and Subtlety will be huge after their dagger commitment, and everything else is pretty much a Caster with Dragonwrath

Tbh DS is fairly balanced overall compared to the previous tiers, though. The only real outliers are the ones that have been terrible all expansion (Frost mage)

what about ele sham?

One of the Casters with Dragonwrath

Without it it’s like…top of B tier, bottom of A, ish?

well i was gonna level something til i saw a 23 min wait time for lvl 82 i guess cata really is dead oh well was a nice thought

The queues aren’t actually that bad. I’ve been working on my alts and dps queues usually aren’t much longer than 10 minutes. Just quest while you’re in queue and it’ll go by in no time

123k raiders compared to SoD’s 57k and anniversary’s 73k says otherwise. and this is the tail end of a raid tier when most people are taking breaks

ya RAIDIMG thatsm max level not people leveling the non max level pop is still pretty dead if a dps queue was 22 min so yea its dead

Again, the queues aren’t actually that bad. At least when not around noon on a school day

Those queue times are never really that accurate. They can pop whenever. Just do quests between queues. That’s the fastest way to level for a dps anyway. Dps queue times have been, and will always be, the longest.

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My queue time right now on my level 82 Rogue is average 6 minutes, and the actual times I’ve had have ranged about 5-10 minutes

Hunter DPS will actually really go up this Tier thanks to the 4pc we will have twice the focus, and if it goes anything like last time hunters will start competing at the top again because we have the focus to use stuff like Arcane shot more often

ele and boomkin see a dropoff. Not as much aoe happening. We’ve had main swaps for DS and both elemental and balance are 2 of the specs that people moved off from.

balance druid single target is awful.

The best specs in DS will be -

Mage - Arcane and Fire
Rogues - All 3 specs do great boss damage
Warlock - Demo and Affliction. Destruction is probably viable but not as good as the other 2 specs.
Paladin - Ret will be better than average, especially if they can get the Gurth weapon.
Warrior - Arms

Elemental, Feral, Enhancement, and Unholy will be middle of the pack. Though Unholy will 100% be taken multiples of because of their raid cd.

trailing at the bottom is all of the hunter specs unfortunately, with Survival being the best of the 3.

If you want to guarantee a high performing spec pick any rogue spec, demo lock, fire/arcane mage, or arms warrior.