I hope they just cancelled h++
So If MoP launches on the 2nd week of September. That would mean we will have 29 weeks of DS. 7 months of DS.
Prolly a month of prepatch with XP increase
Yeah gives people time to level up their pandas and monks and do some Raiding.
lol DS is going to be a buggy mess! H++ is just not getting tested I guess, very excited for +200% hp and +100% damage. And where’s LFR loot going? Anybody’s guess.
Yea I’m hearing heroic ds is hard.
I assume LFR loot is going to the heroic+ currency
This is way to soon for the amount of bugs that exist on the PTR.
Like they haven’t even figured out what they want to do with the LFR loot… but go ahead and rush out crap I guess.
i swae if they listen to the speed runers and dont add LFR im fully quitting cata for SoD they need to stop promising stuff and not goiing through with it
I guess you are quitting then.
What speed runners rofl?
This has nothing to do with anything other than Blizzard being idoits.
I honestly doubt they will add LFR in cata. The devs most likely broke it when they tried to make it into a 10man version. Now they have to fix it. Here is what was said in a blue post.
With the introduction of LFR gear through multiple alternative avenues(this means more than 1), it is logical to determine that there is no valid reason for LFR to be released in Cata. It would be better for the devs to address and fix the issues they caused when they attempted to change it and then release an unbroken version in MoP.
Lol not sure what guild is doing a speed run the first week. Most speed running guilds clear the raid first before doing speed runs.
LFR was always a bandaid for bad game development to stem the flow of subs. The playerbase is not big enough at this point to have the retention it was originally designed for
Lol try telling that to players on the other posts who think LFR is needed.
yep ive read them, if it takes me two sentences to explain something that they are typing 500 word essays to debate its not worth my time honestly
Not at all.
LFR was added so people can raid without commitment, it was literally there for people to experience the story and raids without needing to be on a schedule in a raid or require prog.
Lol protocal twilight was cut wasnt it
Then scrap the idea for 10-man LFR and keep it 25-man like in OG. This isn’t rocket science. All they have to do re-release content they already developed in 2011.
no that was the public reason, there were many types of players that never interacted with raids or raid groups out of 10m+ subs back in og cata, so the majority of players that interacted with LFR were players that are gearing up at patch and alts/ new players, and players that were going to quit anyway. The data blizz got back from LFR was that the players who experienced LFR were never improving. And the reality is that it was a toxic cesspool of hatred and mocking players with bad dps