Dryad Fire Drill not phase changing


The WQ “Dryad Fire Drill” is currently not phasing correctly. There are no flames on the ground at the entrance to the cave along with no druids needing rescued.

Could this be an issue for those who completed it on Tuesday?


WTB fires, dryads, or orbs. Nothing.


Quest MIA,

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Agreed. I have been running in circles for 20 minutes thinking i was missing a start item (drenching orb) but no such luck. no orb, no fire, no dryads. Also did it on Tuesday


Also not phasing into the WQ.

Same issue here

Same issue. No phase change.

Same issue here. Get the world quest but nothing to pick up, no fires, no dryads to save.

This World Quest is not working on US Medivh either. Apparently this was also the issue in on the Ptr.
Could we please we get a fix or replacement WQ?

yeah so few world quests and the two new ones I got today are both bugged.

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It is still bugged as of today, no fire. no dryads needing freedom. BLIZ FIX YOUR DAMN GAME! Please.

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broken on WrA US date 11/10/2023

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Yep, broken on my server too. Welcome to PTR.


WrA server, no fire, no dryads, no stone.

This quest seems to be bugged if you have done the campaign in here.

My other toon that hasn’t done the campaign yet, able to do it just fine.

So yes, phasing issue because of completing the campaign quest.

It seems current band-aid fix is to party with someone that hasn’t done the quest, and turn on party sync.

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This is still bugged for me, too.

i am unable to phase into the quest

Working as intended
Give a world quest but don’t make it completable then leave it there so no one can do it, so everyone that comes to the forums to say it’s not working for those who come to see these reports.
No rep for you, or me.

Bless whoever the person is who keeps hosting party after party, then syncing, so folks can complete. As of the time I did it, they had run 60 people through the broken quest.


No one was hosting, at least when I looked. shame.
I’ll have to try again later.

Found a group in group finder and was able to complete it.

After multiple Party synchs for every person that joined the group.