Dryad Fire Drill not phase changing

I’m experiencing the same problem, however only on my toons which have completed all of the available campaign quests. On toons fresh to the zone, the phasing works just fine.

Add to list of bugs.

+1 for no phase. just a normal druid barrow.

Not showing up for me as well. I completed every quest on Tuesday, but this world quest is not phasing my correctly.

Yep, I ran into that person too. I WOULD do it myself, but I do not have a max level character that hasn’t started the emerald dream.

I was able to complete the quest by turning War Mode on, and then phasing in. This solved the issue for me

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After I read this, I can confirm this will allow you to do the world quest. I even grabbed the Sparks of Life which is funny. Title tells me to go to ED, but the actually quest tells me to hunt in ZC. I go to ZC and then that gets removed and tells me to go to ED. I head back to ED and after I zone in, it tells me to go back to ZC and hunt there.

I was able to complete the quest tonight after leaving the zone and coming back.