Drustvar Flightpaths

We can fly to them.
Our Flightmasters Whistle drops us off at the closest one.

Please unlock the flightmaster. It’s really annoying to be sent to a flight path I can’t use. It’s fine if the area stays locked if I don’t do the story but it makes no sense those flightpaths are one way.

p.s. I know you’re going to say it so here’s your reply: no. I’ve done it too many times already. Tired of that zone.


I like you , so I wont say “Just do the story line”



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after the second or third time of doing the story it gets annoying to have to do it again just to unlock the flight paths.

how many other zones require doing entire questlines to just unlock flight paths?


Seems like the Alliance got the shaft for Voldun and Drustvar. I don’t recall this being a Horde problem.

I wonder if there is a scroll or whatever you can buy to unlock the flight paths. i know Ive seen something like that somewhere. Dont know if it was BFA though.

I get it. I have alts in the same boat.

Doesn’t work for Alliance in Drustvar and Voldun.

Horde have to quest through Vol’dun to unlock certain flight paths.

there is an item that unlocks the flight paths as DESTINATIONS and lets you FMW to them.

it does not put a flight master there for you to use though for flying OUT of that flight path.


Hmm I could have sworn I have all them. Maybe is just the one in the middle of the zone, down in the pit?

i think that’s the only one.

This is annoying. My second-highest toon is missing flight paths despite the 7th Legion map. But now at least I know where I have to quest to avoid this nonsense.

There’s two in Drustvar.

two in drustvar for horde?

Three. Don’t forget the neutral town. Horde just gets it but the Alliance must do a questline. Thankfully that questline is short.

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Oh, no. Alliance. Fallhaven and the Turtles one on the west coast I think.

You’re right, I forgot about Corlain.

fallhaven, the pirate one, the one in the southwest at the city besieged by the witches and the one by the mining area south of Corlain.

  1. Town to the SW.
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Odd, I’ve not encountered that at all. On my horde toons I use the honorbound map and have never noticed I couldn’t fly out from them.

BUT I do the war campaign for the followers, so that’s probably why they are all unlocked for me.