Drums of Battle [TBC] - another opportunity to err on the side of fun

In TBC all competitive raid teams will require every single one of their members to go LW in order to chain Drums of Battle (+80 haste rating for 30 seconds for all party members) during encounters. No, they are not being forced to do this by Blizzard, but in order to remain competitive and get accepted by high level raid teams they will have to do this.

This is another great opportunity for Blizzard to err on the side of fun and allow all raiders to choose professions without fear of being pushed out of the more try-hard raid teams. The most obvious options to achieve this are:

  1. Give all those affected by drums a debuff similar to that of blood lust equal to the cooldown
  2. Make Drums of Battle not require leatherworking to use (but still BoP) such that you are required to level LW at some point to create them but not forced to keep it. This method would likely appeal more to the hardcore community

I know TBC hasn’t even been announced, but many of us are already making our plans.



It is what it is.

And what it is is the meta and there will always be a meta.

If you change drums then you will be required to have the next best thing. And if you change that the 3rd best thing and so on and so forth.

Being competitive takes work and sacrifice.

In TBC one of your professions is the sacrifice.


totem-twisting or you’re lazy.

You only need 4 out of 5, so no, they won’t.

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It was fine in TBC the first time. It’ll be fine now.


your fears lead you to the dark side



And I see that “err on the side of fun” is the latest “this statement from Blizzard actually means doing exactly what I want” effort.

Drums are fun


No need to totem twist if you’re in the hunter group :smiley: 200+ IQ move there

“ I want to be competitive but not in the way that the meta requires. So lets change it. “

Game isn’t about you though my guy.

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And if they do this people like you will cry about something else because thats all you people do is whine and complain. You don’t like classic you like crying and eventually getting your way.

You wanted LFR / spell batching and a pile of other garbage and when it makes the game worse you have no sense of irony or understanding that you have no idea what you’re talking about and should probably just keep your mouth shut.

You don’t want drums removed you want mommy to give you your bottle.



Just remove them from the game imo. Just like they should’ve with world buffs.


Drums makes it easier so wouldnt it be the people who use drums wanting the bottle?


Professional forum posters don’t actually enjoy gaming and have reverted to their prior infancy mental state where they actively crave reward by crying.

Whining on the forums about X is like the baby crying for moms attention. Mommy gives the bottle but the baby keeps crying because it never actually wanted the bottle but just the attention from mommy. Blizzard = mommy and the bottle are the changes.

Answer me this: If drums get “fixed” will all these people stop complaining? No. They will continue to cry until classic has turned into what retail is.


Uuuuuh, problem here, there is no bloodlust debuff in TBC.

This but unironically.

If you nerf leatherworking, the “meta” will just shift to the next best profession, and the problem has not been solved.

Ya but then this same ppl can whine about the next thing.

This is reductive. #nochanges is a pointless response to requests threads like this one because plenty of things have been changed already, whether its to the game by Blizzard or just by the players (such as the private server meta taking over, which is much more complicated than “just don’t participate in it.”)

Current game services should be maintained. If something blatantly bad is happening, it should be made better by Blizzard. Classic is a current game service and it CAN be tweaked without ruining the spirit of the game as a whole. The game should have an active management to keep the game good and address problems as they arise. If Blizz goes too far, we can give feedback loudly and constructively.

I was #nochanges before and during the beta out of distrust of Blizzard, having hated retail since the end of Wrath. Now I see there are clear issues and that Blizz has been largely good overall about not ruining the game with modern features that would go against Vanilla’s design philosophy. What’s “ruining” Classic is letting the bad parts of the game/meta fester. (AV imbalance, world buffs trivializing already easy content, and LW drums in TBC)

I really appreciate their changes like better UI controls from the Legion game client, making that enhancement shaman totem talent work, or making procs actually do what they say they do. While I’d greatly prefer them remove world buffs in raids, it’s cool they gave hunters a sensible buff to be able to get RAP from DMT and Ony buffs.


That’s because it wasn’t a widespread behavior then… it will be now and will make the game worse. I’m sure Blizzard would have reacted to this trend, as they do to many other bad trends as they pop up. Now they can react to this trend now.