Drums are Raid Wide

Yeah, it goes along with what they said on Blizzcon:
They wanted to change to not need everyone to be LW, but still, you can have the buff going up and no debuff (the idea of the debuff came from the nonsense side of the playerbase).

Still, it seems that you will still have more than just 4 LW in your raid in case one person dies or doesn’t show up for raid.

Probably, especially with the 8 yard ones, you might have ~8 in case some fights you need to split ranged/melee or the raid in other ways, in addition to people losing some. But the meta will be to bring as few as possible, because each additional drum carrier you bring beyond 4, that person is losing their personal dps bis profession to carry redundant drums.

Greater drums are 30yd range and raid wide.
That’s a pretty good fix.

Aren’t available until Zul’Aman and then they’re a drop you have to fight all the other leather workers for.

I honestly can’t remember (and it’s never really been relevant,) but are the drums an aura or a buff?

IE: If you’re in range initially do you get the buff for the duration or do you have to remain in range to continue to receive it?

The normal drums are better for melee or fight with stacking ranged, you can try to have it on everyone but this will never work well enough to be the meta (Unless your guild is plane crazy)

Still waiting on actual confirmation on this. Proffessions aren’t in beta currently so this claim, while it would be welcome, is not backed.

Melee MAYBE, we’re talking 30 seconds here, which in a raid boss fight environment is an eternity. Fight mechanics, AOE, mobs, etc,etc will make it very difficult to reliably pull this off with any consistency.

And I dont wanna be the DPS who’s responsible for keeping track of the guy with drums. You make it sound like cake but picture that strat on Magtheridon for example…GOOD LUCK! :sunglasses:

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Uh, the clip is literally just a guy running around on his mount saying that it’s raidwide without anyone actually proving that to be the case.

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Stacking up long enough for a drum every 30 sec is well within the normal situation for many boss fights anyway.

Oh I can’t wait for the Mag strats, but most fights don’t necessitate this kind of positioning and not every fight will be beneficial to even maintain 100% uptime.

Sup Fasciae! I wish they would take away the LW requirement and make em stack to 10 so I could get rich from selling em on my hunter. just like I plan on getting rich selling haste pots. =P

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the tooltip clearly says party…


…means nothing in a Beta. The only confirmation one way or another is with testing and a bug report to demonstrate how the tooltip and actual behavior disagree and to get confirmation as to which is the intended behavior.

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yeah cause it hasn’t been spot on so far…

There is literally a “Known Problem” list that includes a variety of tool tip errors and text errors. Is this your first Beta experience?

This is what should be done. If someone isn’t a JC they can’t use the meta gem, etc etc.
There’s no reason it should be party or raid wide.

Leather working is like the only profession that everybody gets to use is specialty item.

This was a troll by someone in APES considering Blizzard’s recent retarded statement on drums.

and this is not on the list

Literally just make drums 40/50 yards and raid wide

bam, now you only need 4 leatherworkers in a raid, not 20

problem solved