Drums and a clear lack of understanding

I’m no TBC Expert. But, you say you don’t care about parsing. I also read that drums are not necessary to clear content. So why would you need to stack 20 LW? It’s completely not necessary.

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There’s a difference between playing the game in a way to determine you are better than others and just trying to play well.

If we find that the pre nerf content is too hard to clear without drums, we will likely end up using them if no adjustments are made to the drums currently on the beta. Otherwise, no. I would not plan on leveling leatherworking specifically for drums.

I just don’t want the majority of the raid I’ll be playing with to be locked into a specific profession. It’s almost bad enough in vanilla with engineering but at least that’s situationally strong, not always strong.

The big difference between engineering and LW is that engineering is still a useful profession to everyone outside of sappers. But if you’re not a leather class then LW gives you drums, and nothing else.

the reason that people do the meta is because its the most effective tactic available .

if you have the resources why wouldnt you get 5% haste for the entire raid if you could?

alot of people are in middling guilds and have plenty of time to prepare what people are expecting them to do.

“well find another guild” you might say.

people get comfortable with the guildies they do play with and the raid times they raid.

its like saying hey you can be this and get 1% extra damage or you can all do this and get 5% extra damage.

which do you think someone is going to pick?

I don’t really care for parsing, but I do like having an add on that logs the fight in detail so me and my guild can find out what went wrong. And sadly sometimes it’s just that we have a dps that literally did nothing for 30+ seconds in a fight.

Sure real life happens but if that behavior is consistent it will effect their raid spot. It also shows when someone didn’t move away from the raid, it can show they kept dpsing in fire, exc.

Logs have their place to cause improvement of the raid on average, but I personally don’t care about the parse meta, I like logs for finding the problems on a wipe and fixing it. It how we found out we had a “special” warrior in our raid when doing saph who was using 0 frost resist as he was gear swapping his frost resist off on the pull for his “parses”. Didn’t help him much when he dies to air phase on the first air phase from being chosen as an ice block and getting absolutely nuked from having no FR (he also wasn’t using GFrostPP as well lol) and he was corrected on his mindset after that wipe (and a few other issues in the raid)

This was a while ago during our progression but basically logs can be useful outside of parses which is why I like them, but I do hate the parse Meta as there’s so many other things to do.

As an example during twin emps in AQ I always had the job of small bug control on my hunter, which would end up with me stuck in melee range of them at times and killed my dps as I kited them to the add tank to pull off me, but it kept them off the healers and helped us down twin emps. I thinkni regularly parsed 25-35% on twin employees for hunters, because I was on a mechanics job instead of raw dps. But I prefer mechanics job over zug zuging. Logs can help your raid improve, but the parse meta is just toxic in my eyes lol.

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So dont be? This is not a retail world first push.

I don’t see why people are making such a big deal. Just play the damn game.

You’re actively demonstrating a lack of understanding of the issue.

It’s not that the content will all the sudden necessitate LW to clear, as if to imply literally that you can’t enter the dungeon unless one of your professions isn’t LW.

It’s that guilds and recruiting raids themselves will be inclined to favor the LW profession and players who have them. Which, for getting your foot in the door, puts a huge onus on the player to be LW to check that box and give themselves the best chance possible.

Whether or not the player is a top parser is rather irrelevant, and completely not even the point.

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