Drum fix? ReAlLy? O.o

Really blizzard? you think putting in 2 versions and making the one everyone will want more expensive is going to “help”? If tinnitus, removing the LW requirement, or making them raid wide isn’t the solution then its not a solution!


What? I don’t follow.

Drums were datamined. Drums of battle reduced to 8 yards, greater drums of battle added for 40y. LW requirement still there, no tinitus, still party wide… Only change is that drums will be more expensive to make slightly but in no way changed in a meaningful way and certainly not fixed as promised.

When are people going to learn YOU CANT TRUST datamined information!!!

Beta has not even started, and things will be tweaked.

OMG!!! Why do we do this!!!


this is clear as day and if outrage doesn’t start immediately there is zero hope for a fix. This is not the fix promised and is the laziest way out possible.


Because they get off posting on different characters and causing as much drama as possible.

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For crying out loud are we 4 years old?

Drop to the ground and scream and shout?

Then your mother tells you to stop and gives you a cookie?

What is wrong with people and this type of thinking?



there are times my account will literally not let me change toons after logging me in as some random lowbie alt, and then i feel like i can’t post because no one will have any clue who the heck i am. i can’t imagine trying to do what these people do. lol

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Look in the mirror after this post of yours. Calm down, fella.


People will go to great lengths when they think they are accomplishing something. Especially when they think they are being clever and subtle and subversive.

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Oh, I can assure you I am calm. . . fella


the fact that none of these “outraged” forum posters know the difference between there, their, and they’re- and won’t correct it even when called out on it… clever, subtle, or subversive are not the words i’d personally use.

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“think they are” those things :stuck_out_tongue:

i wonder how much you could get people like that to agree to if you pretended you were an anti booster too. like what #somechanges could you get them to admit to? couldn’t do it on our mains. but not everyone has posted on all their classic alts. hm. muahaha.

This drum nerf kinda takes the wind out of my sails.

I think somebody missed the sarcasm in the text :wink:

Have you read the actual quote about “nerfing drums”?

Blizz never said they were nerfing drums, they said they didn’t want to force 25 raiders to be LW’s for drums.

Translation: Drums will be altered so that they are not req’d for every raider. For example, made raid wide would reduce the requirement.

Please, for the love of pizza, read the actual statement before you buy and repeat the rumors.

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You are assuming quite a bit aren’t you?

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but what was data mined is the complete opposite of that. If it is not changed we will still all need it AND it will just cost more.

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It was fine back in TBC and it would be fine in TBC Classic, but sadly Blizzard is designing TBC Classic for the Retail crowd…who obsess over any little perceived advantage or imbalance. They’ll simply move on and whine about something else like they’ve been doing for over a decade and this ‘fix’ accomplishes nothing.