Dragon form for Dragon Ises flying with a special quest line with the green Dragon Flight.
Dragon form for Dragon Ises flying with a special quest line with the green Dragon Flight.
Rofl, exactly what company do you think made this? Shut up, get back in line, cough up the money.
The notion that blizzard should or even could have thought about is naivete us old people envy. I hope you get your wish one day. I wouldn’t hold my breath. Rofl. That’s so dangerously close to roleplaying in their MMORPG that blizzard is lobbying Congress to make it illegal. They’ve crusaded against it for a decade. Retail is a mobile game. Yes it is. Shhhhhhh just keep the money flowing to the blizzard overlords, shhhh. Just pay.
1000% this. As soon as Dragonriding is open everywhere update Soar to be a racial Dragonriding the animations are there and its so silly watching Dragons riding Dragons to fly around when the NPCs can already fly and put us “Heroes” to shame.
Their job isn’t to kowtow to your demands
sorry but im not the idiot company that made a race that has wings that people actually expect to fly because it makes sense, same with druid (looks at war3)
why defend a company that got sued again?.. that’s pretty low…
I’m just saying the obvious.
The Forums Blues don’t have any real say at Blizzard… What are you expecting from them?
Yupp and judging by your post you’re a Karen that should be ignored.
Given the length of Soar’s cooldown, why bother?
No thank you. I’m okay with old style flying.
Personally, I think both forms of flight should be enabled at this point in all zones capable of flight.
I’m not saying buff old world flying to DF speeds or drop DF mounts to old world speeds but, it would be nice to have a buff to old world flying in DF zones (maybe allow them to hit the updrafts to activate a timed flight speed buff?).
It doesn’t take away from anything and the incentive is still there to use your Dragonriding mounts. In terms of dracthyr, well, it gets a little more complex in terms of constant flight uptime so maybe a quest to take to the skies for them that enables Dragonriding flight capabilities at a reduced speed of dedicated dragonriding mounts?
If it were made to be just Dragonriding but for the Dracthyr it wouldn’t have a cooldown. Just be effectively like the Worgen Wild Running mount instead. But a Dragonriding mount.
there is always that ONE player who thinks that flying is the work of the devil. or is it the same player?
dragonflying is fine, until it’s time to take off and land to do things like gathering professions. even with the flying ability that restores some vigor for that, you still run out of “gas” if you have to keep doing it. that is why i hope that DF flying doesn’t become the only flying mechanic in the game.
When dracthyr have to do the long and difficult quests to get druid flying (and swimming) that was in vanilla (not classic), i will have more sympathy.
hey, demon hunters have wings too…hmm
They have already made it very clear they are giving you the choice…
will both be a choice? I must have missed the official post about DF flying confirmed for the whole game, i thought it was still up in the air.
Blizzard is giving us a choice in static or dynamic flying. They just haven’t finished the prep yet.
From what I remember it was a blue saying it wasn’t ready yet but would show up later. I think it was in the forums actually.
I definitely want it for both. As an option in the druid form of course, since there will be players for whatever reason prefer normal flight.
This is still a common problem for people?
I’m told it’s not.
So if that is the case then vigor would be pretty useless as a system because it would effect practically no-one. That would mean it’s removal wouldn’t be missed because it has become irrelevant.
Oh boy. One of those .
Vigor is fine as is. Most people don’t have a problem running out of vigor, because they know how to dragonride and manage it properly. Vigor, is a resource, and works like any other resource to function. The skill ceiling is pretty low but comes into play with things that take more skill- Like Dragon Riding Races.
It’s no different than say, Mana as a healer. In LFR? It’s not hard to manage and you likely won’t run out if you’re any sort of a decent. As you go up in difficulty, managing that resoiurce and making sure you use it properly is an integral part of gameplay.
DR never gets that hard (Though the advance races can be a genuinely fun little challenge), but it’s resource being easy to use at a base level doesn’t make it useless.
That said, we’re off topoic, as to the MAIN point of the thread, I definitely want a choice to Dragonride as a Druid/Dracthyr. Sounds fun.
So you can farm herbs/ore non-stop for hours never having to wait to regen vigor?
I’m betting you do need to wait to regen. All the stopping and starting is going to burn thru that vigor in no time. If you don’t wait to regen.
Sure you can wait to regen before and after picking the herb/ore , but thats just waiting to regen.
I have the “3 minutes or its free” achievement. I can fly nonstop from Iskaara in the Azure Span to Morqut Village in the Forbidden Reach.
As I keep saying. Long distance isn’t the problem. It’s the frequent stops and starts of gathering herbs and ore that kills vigor.
Wait for regen how?
Are you talking just doing a quick loop in the air before landing if my vigor is at 2? Because that’s five seconds, you get a bonus to regen as you take off again, and you can glide from herb to herb with ground skimming or go for a more distance herb to keep from running out.
Again, that’s part of managing a resource. I have Isles Racer and have done all races on Gold (including reverse) on my mage? Idk if it’s an account wide thing. Vigor is actually an important part of those.
And again, on topic- the idea was to add it as an option. Which at that point the flying toggle should be active. Which means if vigor is that big a problem, just use the form of flying that doesn’t require it. No need to remove Vigor.