I made a Thread about Warr and if it’s worth to make, overall I got good answers and I def love my Warr but I 1v1’d a Druid and got absolutely sht on.
This made me think about Druid.
I used to always think i’m some low IQ player who can’t handle all the buttons, but if I take the time to learn Druid and get good with it is Druid worth maining for the rest of TBC / WoTLK??
Honestly I got tilted that a Druid put me in Entangle roots, I trinked only to eat another CC and I literally couldn’t do anything, I just get kited 24/7.
I’m obv dogwater at Warr, so maybe I can play better but the Druid life seemed cool where you can go Feral for DPS or Bear tank.
This doesn’t really change for Warriors in Wrath either. You don’t have Heroic Leap, and you can’t Charge in combat yet either.
Druids also get improved across the board in Wrath, so if you want to be more flexible and better in 1v1, Druid is a better choice. Druid is also arguably a better DPS spec throughout the expansion, until you get to cleave fights when you have 100% ArP.
I’m pretty sure they’re somewhat weaker, until endgame (as Fire scaling with Crit makes them among the best DPS in ICC). They’ll still do well and play mostly the same as they do now but with the addition of Hot Streak, so a bit more interesting. Frost is Frost. Still a strong CC spec, especially in the right comps.
But Warlocks get even better. Affliction is a fun spec in PvE and is absurdly powerful start to finish.
Not true, both arms and Prot get access to charge in combat (albeit with a longer CD for arms, see Juggernaut talent).
With the extra gap closer, warriors are MUCH harder to kite in wotlk AND you have access to all three major CDs on a different 5 min CD (Reck, retal, Shield wall). Combined with bladestorm to make you un-CCable you can be scary to jist about anyone (though frost mages will still dunk on you if they know what they are doing).
Warriors are VERY gear dependant though, so you want be able to take full advantage of the class until you get decked out.
Druids are in a mixed place come WotLK, Rdruids are MUCH weaker, losing access to feral charge is huge. Feral and boomies on the other hand are much stronger, though exceedingly difficult to play well. Small mistakes can cost you 50% of your health bar.
Arms Warriors are extremely strong in wotlk and good warriors (and you’ll know it when you fight one) will stick to you like glue. Prot has ridiculous mobility and will actually be viable, but niche.
I’d recommend not trying to pick a class because the one you played got countered… Every class has something that counters them well.
Instead maybe watch some videos and see what has a playstyle that appeals to you, and consider what classes seem “coolest” or most interesting to you, but don’t be shy about researching others to see if you might like those better. I started this game preferring anti hero archetypes and enjoyed both lock and rogue, but also ended up liking shaman, hunter, and ret as well. Where other classes that I’ve tried to get into repeatedly, like mage, always feel clunky to me.
Warriors get kited by everybody real hard. You can reflect and charge all you want, eventually you’re getting CC’d. On the other hand, with a healer you’re a force to be reckoned with. Forever and always!
While I wouldn’t say roll Druid just because they kite you, I would say go Druid since they’re imo one of the most entertaining classes to play. You have 4 potential builds you can run. Animal forms feel like mini classes of their own. If I only had one character Druid would be a top two contender. It takes some getting used too but it’s quite rewarding once you get the hang of it.
My other main/alt is a Druid and there’s no regrets! Loads of fun.
Druid is also very good, but gets eclipsed by holy paladins as kings in all brackets. Priests are also better than druids, but druids are still very competitive.
The other 2 healers just have more comps to run in compared to druids.
All these people saying Warriors are S+ in wrath seem to forget that for the majority of Wrath, Warriors PvP’d as Prot if they wanted to get anywhere. S5 had 1 glad warrior globally and he was Prot. S6 AND S7 you could count the # of Warriors with Glad on one hand and half of them were Prot. S8 is when Arms finally overtook Prot. Not because of patch changes, but because of gear and survivability. Pre S8 Warriors simply didnt have enough room to get the Resillience they needed to not instaflop.
Without 100% ArP either via GT proc or Passive, you hit like a pool noodle as Arms. Prot unironically hits harder stacking SBV for FatSlams.
Fury is, well, Fury. From a PvE standpoint it has all the same gear related hurdles to clear (crit softcap and hitcap being the first 2). But its functional and by ICC is very involved and enjoyable.
Feral Druids in PvP in Wrath are unironically S+, simply because their best matchups (Vs Sub, Vs Frost, Vs DK) are against other S+ classes that the PvP meta focuses around. Feral also brings a ton of situational utility and hard CC (and can still hardlock Warriors with 3x Cyclone, 3x Roots + Feral Charge) . Theyre harder to play and less Zug-friendly but youll get way more mileage out of Feral than you will Arms.
In TBC Druid is the most powerful class, and it’d be by a lot. If you beat a druid, he was very very bad. This changes in wrath because other classes catch up due to things like the ability to ignore bear form armor completely, some additional buffs to mobility like blade storm, etc,etc.
Imo, the most powerful 1v1 spec in existence of wow is TBC dreamstate (balance) its utterly ridiculous if you get the hang of it; there is nothing that counters it.