sure but tbc pvp is basically over by the time op gets any gear/skill to be competitive we’ll be on prepatch
so any choice OP does now has to be for lich king , tbc is done
Wrath feral and Wrath Sub(pve) are as complicated a rotation as wow has ever had. I still played retail until a few months back. Retail Tammy’s see “classic” look at MC frost mage orTBC arcane blast and think every class is the same…
Wouldn’t it be fun if we made such an ignorant comment about retail classes.
Depends on what your goal is.
If you’re going to be a tank, the druid is a better option with how close to wotlkc we are.
If you want to focus pvp, both warriors and druids are good, same for dps in pve, both are good options, but warriors are more gear reliant so they wont be a big pumper until more armor pen is available.
Warriors are more mobile in terms of burst mobility in pve, but pvp wise druids can shift out of any snare or slow, immune to polly when shifted, exc.
It depends on the playstyle you like more.
i have no idea what you are talking about , but you mentioned retail so i dont care about whatever that was
True, was just letting him know certain classes do counter others, but the gear gap is real…
Wrath gear gaps are much worse, and get worse in every expansion
The nugget you were responding to… He was going on about classic and it’s simple things while forgetting something obvious.
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