Druid travel form doesnt work

Ive been searching forever trying to find a solution to this, but i cannot find anything that addresses this issue.

I got the ardenmoth and runestag appearances. I went to the barber shop and selected them. They work… sometimes. Its about 50% whether my forms are actually what i picked… and about 50% of the time they are just the basic forms. Why doesnt it always use the forms i picked? How do i freaking stop it from randomly picking the basic forms?

Its maddening… just let me pick what i want.

No, i don’t have any glyphs activated. I tried buying vanishing powder and it says theres no active glyphs to remove.

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Does there appear to be a pattern to the changes? Are you receiving any error messages?

Lets start with a full UI reset


You don’t have them tied to spec, do you? I’m not sure if that’s a thing, but I wonder.

I was able to remove chameleon glyphs when i disabled all add ons. This cna be removed.

It’s not. Shift forms changed via the Barber Shop options are class wide.

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Just want to point out disabling wont fix the over all issue if its a corrupted UI you will need to do a full reset.

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Are the appearances based on glyphs? Glyphs are spec-specific? I know Sultani said barber shop, I’m just brainstorming. Or brainraining. Braindrizzling?

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They aren’t the original form of glyphs anymore. They are Marks – which is a form of a glyph that teaches you shift forms only available via the Barber Shop.

Also, some forms are learned via books or other items.


OP – So you have the Runestag selected for your ground travel form but it is only working at random times? So is it switching over to the cheetah or original stag form at other times?

What is your flight form switching to when it isn’t using the Moth?

Is your aquatic form also glitching?

Also, what race is your Druid? I have all the Druid races so will also test on the rest of mine. Pics above are from my Night Fae Troll Druid.

Ok – I tested on all of the races and they are all behaving as expected. I even checked again on my Night Fae to make sure Soulshape wasn’t interfering somehow. All as expected there as well.