N=1. Just because you haven’t done it accidentally means nothing about the ease at which someone could trigger this bug by accident. Are you claiming logging out while running into an Inn, while in travel form, is difficult? You’ve decided that the thread is about move speeds incorrectly stacking. The OP wasn’t even claiming that they were… While your at it, why don’t you add this to your list of Druid bugs? Surely it deserves a place on there. Or will it not make the cut because it is hugely beneficial to your class?
He was clarifying if the movement speeds were functioning correctly. They aren’t
It’s actually 173%
1.4 * 1.08 * 1.15 = 1.7388
Yes. it does stack. No, it is not a private server thing. No, it is not stacking properly
So now bears are moving at 155%? lol
This is about travel form mainly, cat also gives a 30% bonus outdoors.
Regardless, if the idea of druids moving quickly isn’t fun to you then go play retail
I honestly don’t care enough to go read up on how movement speed is calculated. The travel form bonus is being applied to all movement speeds, including bear. I do care that the PvP bonus is going to make an already game breaking bug even moreso. I’m not sure why you’re being so hostile- maybe because you want this exploit to stay in the game?
So wait, let me see if I got this straight.
You’re arguing against fixing a bug, because of another bug that exists.
Wow that just hurts my head.
Just fix both bugs, this is real simple stuff here lmfao.
So wait, let me see if I got this straight.
You’re putting words into my mouth because you don’t take the time to read a linked post about an extremely relevant bug?
Wow that just hurts my head.
I never said anything about whatever bug you are on about. I Not everything revolves around whatever you spew onto this forum.
You’re right man. I’m sorry.
I agree.
They shouldn’t fix priest spell pushback when they have bubble up because they can mana burn druids while they’re shifted. Having both working properly would be incredibly OP
Let’s just leave the game broken
Wait, remember the time I said they shouldn’t fix the bug you are talking about? Oh wait, no. That never happened. /headdesk It’s almost like you are unable to divorce the two issues… What’s even more amazing is that you keep putting words into my mouth. I never said a thing about not fixing whatever movement calculation errors are in the game…
BTW I linked that post on your big ol’ druid bug list. Add it.
I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. You seem to just be making noise, screaming about bears running at 155% speed.
This thread is about druid speed stacking, a well known mechanic that’s been around since vanilla.
Yes, bears will move at 124% speed with PVP bonus and minor run speed. Anything over that would be a bug anything under that would also be a bug
It’s literally the post right above yours lmao
Actually, it’s not. But hey, since you’ve already proven yourself utterly incapable of reading comprehension, the fact that you’ve obviously not taken the time to read the post I linked isn’t exactly a shocker.
Are you high?
Oh I get it, you’re trying to derail this thread with your own bug. This thread is about movement speed not stacking
Are you braindead? Your post has NOTHING TO DO with the post I linked. The bug I posted allows you to run at TRAVEL FORM SPEED IN CASTER, SPAMMING MOONFIRE, CASTING REJUV, ETC. Now I know you’re just abusing it…
Your post has nothing to do with this thread. it is a separate bug report all together
Let’s try and stay on topic
Oh, so we’re moving on from the fact that you were completely incorrect that you’ve already documented it and apparently now aren’t going to list it on your post? Hmm, wonder why that is?
You just listed it. Thanks for the report
Chances of it being editted into the main post: slim to none. Enjoy abusing that until you get the big ol’ ban hammer
I honestly wasn’t even aware that it existed, and like I stated earlier most people aren’t dumb enough to run around with something like that because they would get banned
I haven’t even edited THIS bug into the OP yet. I like to verify things before just throwing them out there
Riiiight, keep on telling us that, sporto. I know how much you read the bug report forums. If I’m aware of it, there’s no way you missed that zinger of a bug being posted.
I just tried to replicate the bug which requires you to log out before you unshift.
As far as I know that’s basically impossible, hence the bug being difficult to accidently do. Also he states you need to hold down w the entire time.
I’m unable to replicate this bug so I can’t verify it’s authentic. Either way, the OP posted video
So what exactly are you on about?
I’ve watched multiple druids do it successfully- first try. I’ve witnessed a druid wigging out in trade about doing it by accident. I’m mentioning the bug because people should be aware of it and because it’s extremely relevant with the PvP bonuses coming out. I’m also now pointing out that you’re completely fine with shrugging off/attacking the mention of extremely game breaking bugs, just as long as they benefit your class. Have a good one