Druid shapeshift macro question

Hey, do any of you code-savvy folks know how I would write a macro (or macros) that would allow me to shift between forms with one button?

I am assuming there is a way that I can write a macro for each of my forms (using a cancelaura or something) that will cancel any current forms I am in and allow me to shift using the command for the form I want, rather than the command for the form I am currently in, followed by the new form.

Any ideas??


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I just use:

/cast cat form

Change the “cat form” to whatever form you want to use. It also acts as a powershift macro.


That, good sir, is exactly what I was looking for. Tyvm! :parrot:

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All forms in 1 button? You’d need modifiers for a 1 button forms.

Here’s something:

/cast [modifier:shift] Bear Form; [modifier:alt] Cat Form; Travel Form

Press button for Travel, hold Shift and press button for Bear, hold Alt and press button for Cat.

My personal Travel / Aquatic macro is this:

/cancelform [stance:1] [stance:3]
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; Travel Form

This will cancel Bear or Cat if you’re currently in them. Casts Aquatic if underwater. Otherwise cast Travel.


One thing I’d recommend is mapping a global cancel form button. That macro I posted will not take you out of form if you press it, but instead immediately put you in form again.

A simple /cancelform macro set to a quick button will save you from clicking the forms off all the time. No doubt you’ve had to pop out of form a ton to talk to NPCs and/or pick up items. That /cancelform will take every shapeshift off and make it a little bit easier.

Also Furuiko’s macros are pretty handy too. You can search around the forums here, or other sites for more. There is an absolute TON of druid macros for every imaginable thing you’d need.


I ended up doing the cancelform/shift macro for each form, but you were right, so I made a cancelform only macro and bound it. For now that feels pretty smooth, thank you

There’s no need for a separate /cancelform macro.

If you just add conditionals to your /cancelform to only cast it if you’re in every other form except cat form, it bypass the cancelform and only cast cat form again which on the second cast cancels cat form.

like this macro that I use:

/cancelform [stance:1/2/4/5]
/cast cat form

That will let you powershift but also go back to caster form with the same button. This of course works with bear form and every other form as well.

PS. I know this thread is two weeks old but google brought me here while I was looking up a different macro question of my own so I figure its still helpful.


This worked fantastic, thank you. I only had to shift around the numbers and stance name to make it work with bear form.

Super helpful, dude.

Can you post the ended macro, plase?

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This is why we need Class forums…


For those who want to change to any stance with one button, regardless of current stance:

/cast [modifier:shift] Bear Form; [modifier:alt] Cat Form; Travel Form

I combined part of @Iamnatman 's “cancel form” macro with @Furuiko 's “modifier” macro technique.

If you’d prefer to not use, for example, the “alt key” for Cat Form - simply change “modifier:alt” to “modifier:x” - This will bind cat form to the “x key.”

Thank you for this post and thread.

Happy Hunting



Separating each form to individual buttons , personally, is much smoother game play.

If you would prefer this as well, make individual macros for each form, like this:

/cast cat form

Make an individual macro for each form and universally assign the same keys for each form.


Don’t use this. There is a bug right now with powershifting macros that will sometime make your leader of the pack not post when u go in cat form.

I merely meant to help for leveling purposes. But good to know that it is bugged for end game content.

no worries

#showtooltip Dire Bear Form
/cancelaura Leader of the Pack
/cancelaura Predatory Strikes(Rank 3)
/use Greater Stoneshield Potion
/cast [noform:1] Dire Bear Form

You can replace for cat with [noform:3] Cat Form , and add in or take out the potions if u want.

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That’s great. I’m curious how either macro could be triggered by a certain key.

For example: using the T key (Shift-T = travel form, Ctrl-T = cat form, etc)

Basically, removing the need to “click” the macro button with your mouse at all.

Simply keybinding that button works.

I use my mousewheel scroll down to powershift out of and back into cat form when im PS shed dpsing when not tanking. And a scroll up for DB form if i need to PS health pot mid fight. The change happens so fast u dont even see it lol.
if it didnt make the kitty or bear growl i wouldnt of even known it happened.

A couple of things to note for lower levels implementing the macros:

It’s helpful to get in the habit of including both:

/cast Dire Bear Form
/cast Bear Form

lines in the lua so that you don’t have to go back and change all of them at 40. “/cast Bear Form” simply fails without break or notification once Dire Bear is acquired, and it can catch you off guard if you forget to change it someplace.

Also, when using the form/stance conditionals (e.g. “[form:3]” or “[nostance:3]” to determine whether or not you’re in cat:) The numbers fill in sequentially and don’t pad for missing forms. Thus, if you get to 20 and get cat form without having bothered yet with aquatic form, your cat stance number is going to be 2 and won’t change to 3 until you complete the quests to be a walrus.

Good post. I never got seal and my cat is still 3 =P